January 6, 2023

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Damn whose kids are in my neighborhood ding dong ditching. Because it's been happening to my families house for months now and my family is so fed up with it. It's not even funny. In fact, it's just unsettling to hear someone slamming their fist onto our door at random hours of the day. I feel like I should just print a picture of a middle finger that says "fvck you and leave us alone". My family also has a no soliciting sign on our door but there are still idiots that can't read. I also feel like I should just stay by the door and wait for them to come so I can just open the door and say "Come to this house again and I can and will beat you up."

I know, I'm a genius. Also do you guys play Project Sekai as well? If so then you should totally friend me. But I only have enough spots for 5 people to friend me.

 But I only have enough spots for 5 people to friend me

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Damn why is my ID so long?

Anyways, do you guys like my writing? Like only 1 person actually reads these and I feel like I'm just venting to the air. I kinda just wanted to write this book because I wanted to be friends with some people online that have the same likes as me but it's not really working. I also wrote this book to kinda get some advice about situations in my life. But I still thank you guys for reading my other stories.

Anyways, have a nice day/night :)

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