For my other book..(Part2)

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Okay I just realized I got a request to a one shot on my other book but I honestly lost motivation and time to do it. And there's also no picture of the two people they requested together so I have to draw it myself. And that's going to take a while, not including my school work. I'm honestly so sorry if you wanted that request done. (It was a Kanade x Male!Reader x Nene) But its going to be published by next week and I'm so sorry it's taking that long. I usually do it like a couple hours - the day after. Again I'm so sorry and I should probably do better at time management. You can still request things but I probably won't publish it until a day or two after you send it. Until I have enough time to actually do it, that's how it's going to be and I'm so sorry.

I really am sorry. And I kinda didn't know how to put the story together because the two characters are pretty different, they have similarities but they are so different.

Again, I'm so sorry. Have a nice day/night :)

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