February 14, 2023

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Omg I am so sorry that I didn't post this on Valentine's Day. I've been busy with school work, grades, annoying parents, rude teachers, and writing one-shots. I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day and maybe got some valentines.

So my friends asked me a week in advance but I literally had 4 valentines. One of them was with my friend since second grade (I talk about her a lot). Another was a friend of both of us and all three of us were each others Valentines. The other was my friend (I don't know what
name/letter to give him since they use a lot of names and just recently changed it). They asked me to be their Valentines because they were too scared to ask his own girlfriend. So he asked me instead of their own girlfriend. But the last person however,

(Actually I don't think I ever gave him a letter)

He was the person that gave me the lollipop and nobody else. He is also the one that keeps denying ever having a crush. Yeah him, that guy if you remember him. Anyways, I actually asked him to be my Valentine. But I said it in an indirect way. I said "Do you want to be my platonic Valentine?" I think I made it up but basically it's when two friends are lonely and don't have Valentines so they just go as Valentines together to not seem as lonely. He agreed and now I have four Valentines.

So on Valentines Day I decided to wear makeup. Nothing too out there or anything. Just blush, pink eye shadow, pinkish red lipstick, and some hearts on my cheeks (from liquid eyeliner). I honestly looked so cute. But of course, everyone stared at me. Some didn't say anything, some whispered to their friends, and other straight up insulted me to my face.

Like a certain person. That person was Andy. Read the other chapters to understand who Andy is.

But as soon as I walked into my 5th period, I sat down, gave my friend Mandi a heart shaped chocolate chip cookie, and started to work on the assignment. He came in, almost late, and stared at me. He literally stood right in front of my desk and stared at me. I looked up at him with a emotionless expression to say "What the hell do you want"

(I'm pretty sure I said this before but I make chocolate chip cookies for my friends for special occasions. For example, I'll make chocolate chip cookies for Christmas break. Or heart shaped cookies for Valentines.)

He just walked away (of course he sat next to me) and said "You look more emo than usual." He says this every single time I wear makeup. And it's only when I wear makeup.

So later in the class, Andy and Nathan and the other kid that I can't remember were all being loud and annoying and making random noises. But Mandi and I looked at them and said "Shut up." And Nathan tried to fight Mandi. Also when this was happening, the teacher was gone for a reason that I forgot. But Andy looked at me again and started talking extremely loud again. Also a while ago, Andy and his girlfriend broke up so he's now currently single. But what he said kinda scared me.

"Gwen actually looks hot/cute." (I forgot if he said hot or cute but he literally said that in front of the whole class). I face planted into my desk and Mandi laughed while Nathan tried to threaten Mandi.

When it was time for class to be over, Mandi and I walked to the door and waiting until the bell rang. I linked arms with Mandi because for some reason every time we leave that classroom she sprints to her next class even though her class is right next to mine and it's not even that far away. But Nathan and Andy came over and saw that we were linking arms and Andy again stated that we were dating for the 50th time this school year.

We denied it and not even 1 minute later he looked at my ID and called me/the picture of me cute. I just stood there and stared at him. "I just complimented you so the least you can do if say thank you." Then he started saying how ungrateful I was for getting a compliment. I thanked him and Nathan stopped him from talking (thank you). The bell rang and Mandi and I booked it. She stated that it was so we could get away from the idiot squad. (She didn't actually say idiot squad. It's just a nickname I made for those three).

I actually have a LOT more to say from this week but I was too lazy to write. I'll probably write tomorrow or something since I now have a four day weekend.

Anyways the end. Have a nice day/night <3

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