March 22, 2023

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Lately I've gotten to the point that I completely ruined my sleep schedule and I think I know how. But one of the reasons is not my fault. Scroll near the bottom if you want to see more of Andy being a complete weirdo.

So you know that I have a health problem and how if I don't do certain things then I could possibly die, right? Well the things that I use literally everyday or else I would die aren't working properly and I have no idea why.

They won't connect properly and when they do they are only good for a day (I usually have them on for 3 days). I noticed that I heard some ticking of some of the previous devices even though they said they were deactivated. I think that it's still trying to connect to those even though I deactivated it and even put in another.

And if this keeps happening then we'll have to call the hospital again and try to get it sorted out because this stuff is expensive. Like, at least $4,000 expensive.

That's one reason I think that might be causing to to sleep so much. The other is my dad. I don't go downstairs when he's down because if he sees me awake then he'll keep asking questions and get angry at me. It's like the reason above but sometimes it's with melatonin.

For example, last night one of my devices didn't work properly again so I had to change it but he was downstairs and that would be uncomfortable. To set the scene a little more, I fell asleep right before dinner so I didn't eat and I woke up at 12:00am by the sound of my device going off.

I waited until he went to bed (which was around 1) but apparently I forgot to change it and just grabbed my painting supplies. I forgot how long it took but I painted a sunset with the word 'Prom?' in the middle. Yes this is how I'm going to ask my friends (and possible crush) to go to the middle school prom dance thingy.

I fell back asleep after making it and slept through my alarm so my dad had to wake me up. I 'woke up' and turned on the lights. I sat back down and I somehow fell back asleep?? My dad came back in at 8:10am and started yelling at me for falling asleep again. School starts at 8:14am for me so I was late to school for the first time.

Anyways, the last reason is stress from school. My parents keep saying "No! School makes it better! You have to socialize! You can't do homeschooling even though your mom is home all the time due to her medical issues!" I was literally going to kill myself last year because I was bullied so much and the school did nothing.

-(This is where Andy comes in)-

So yesterday I told my 5th period that I might get a boyfriend soon. And of course Andy and Nathan say "Is it Mandi? What about Mandi? He's going to be mad once he finds out about Mandi! Is it that kid with the blue shirt?" And the  kid in the blue shirt..was my sixth grader friend. But Mandi and I were never dating and they can never get that through their little peanut brains.

Today however, it was near the end of class and Mandi and I were standing by the door. Andy decided to say, and I quote,

"Her ass is too fat for that skirt."

I'm k!//!ng myself. This is my 13 reasons why. I am going to jump off a cliff without a parachute. NO YOU DON'T SAY THAT. YOU CANNOT JUST TALK ABOUT MY BUTT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS.

That was kinda embarrassing to write but that literally happened today and now I might skip my 5th period. Also something I forgot to mention, I made Oreo cupcakes! I even made a mini cake for myself.

 Also something I forgot to mention, I made Oreo cupcakes! I even made a mini cake for myself

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Anyways, have a nice day/night! <3

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