Kamiyama High Students x NB!Reader (Valentines Special)

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(I kinda based Y/N off of me in this. Sorry if you don't like that. But maybe I should start actually making stories and not just one-shots.)

N/N = Nickname
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite animal

I quickly grabbed the bag full of heart shaped chocolate chip cookies and stuffed it into my bag. I spent all night baking the cookies for my friends and was extremely excited to hand them out. I ran out the house and headed towards the school.

On my way there I noticed An, Akito, and Toya all together. I walked over to them and and hugged them all. I rummaged through my bag to find the cookies and pulled them out. Toya looked at the cookies and started drooling as his eyes became hearts. "I made these cookies for you guys!" I said and handed them over.

"Thank you so much N/N!" An squealed. "These taste so good! Thank you so much N/N!" Toya stuffed his mouth with the cookie. "There's no carrots in these right?" Akito asked. "They are literally chocolate chip cookies. Why would they have carrots?" I deadpanned. Akito crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. "I was just making sure." He huffed.

Akito and An finished their cookies while Toya kept begging me for more. "Please! It tastes so good!" Toya pleaded. "Just one more." I sighed and handed him one more. Toya smiled and ate the cookie.

We all ran into the school building before we could be classified as late and said our goodbyes. I went into my class and sat down. I sighed and made a mental note. 'Three (3) down, five (5) more to go.'


The bell rang and I walked through the halls to try and find more of my 'friends'. I stopped and slowly turned back when I saw Tsukasa, Nene, and Rui talking to each other. "Guys! I made you something!" I greeted. I pulled out three cookies and gave it to them.

"Thank you N/N. I actually have something for you too." Rui said. He opened his bag and pulled out a small mechanical F/C F/A. I gasped and took it from Rui's hands. "Thank you,
Rui-senpai!" I hugged his long torso and looked back at the mechanical F/A.

"If I knew you were going to give N/N a gift then I would've gotten one too." Tsukasa pouted. "It's fine!" I said. "Rui! Y/N!" A voice called out. I turned around and got tackled into a hug by Mizuki. "Y/N! I'm so happy to see you! I got you something!" Mizuki said excitedly.

Mizuki pulled out a bouquet of F/C flowers and and heart shaped box of chocolates. I laughed and gave them a cookie as a thank you. Mizuki then kissed my cheek and got off me. "We still going to the roof?" Mizuki asked. Rui nodded and grabbed Tsukasa's wrist, dragging him to the roof. Nene and Mizuki following close behind.


After school, I pulled out my phone and called Ena. Since she went to night school I barely had time to see her during the day. "I have a present for you." I said. "Really? Me too!" Ena said excitedly. "Y/N! Let's go to the WEEKEND GARAGE!" Akito shouted. "Is that my dumb brother?" Ena asked. "Yep." "Please take care of him." Ena sighed and hung up.

Once An, Akito, Toya and I made it to the WEEKEND GARAGE An insisted on making me a drink of choice. Not even five minutes later An came back with the drink and winked. "On the house." She smiled.


Ena and I met up in front of the school. (How romantic). I gave her a cookie and jolted up in shock and amazement from what Ena gave me. She handed me a portrait of me but with the way she painted it made me look way more attractive than I actually looked. "Sorry if it's bad. I guess that just how I think of you." She said, rubbing her neck shyly. I hugged her tightly and smiled.

"I love it. Thank you."

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