April 14, 2023

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Okay so I'm pretty sure you guys are caught up on my relationship. Today I asked my crush if he had a crush and he said yes but when I asked him to describe her to me he said no. It's definitely me and I'm ready to start a relationship with him...next week.

Yesterday my friend asked him if he liked me but he just shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't a no!

Anyways you all know how much I hate my fifth period (more specifically Andy and Nathan). So today they both commented on how I looked, in a weird way. So apparently Nathan was looking at my top (chest maybe?? Since my shirt shows a little boobage).

But Nathan was actually being nice about it. He said "That shirt looks really good on you!" But Andy was the one that weirded me out the most. "You look so sexy Gwen." Bro I really wanted to punch Andy in the face after that one. Thankfully the teacher stopped them from talking, oh by the way, there were sixth graders in there so they witnessed Andy saying that to me.

Something else that happened was I was out in a small group where my counselors talked about domestic violence?? Why did my parents even sign me up?? What makes matters worse is that there was a kid I don't like (because he's a pervert for trying to look up my skirt, is homophobic, transphobic, racist, and straight up rude. He actually fought one of my friends and pushed her into a large sections of desks. My friends and I all hate him.)

Anyways that was it, have a nice day/night <3

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