My weird dreams (Novemeber 27)

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So for the longest time, I've had weird dreams but this year I've kept them all in a book so I could remember. I literally just had one of those weird dreams last night and I wanted to share one with you.

My dream:

November 27, It was basically the apocalypse but we were all cloned and had no idea who was real. My dad was asleep the whole time so we didn't know he died and then we saw two of the copies of dad try to kill us. I grabbed the sharpest tool I found and stuck it in their bodies. My grandparents were here for some reason but they just wanted to make cookies. They didn't listen and just went to make cookies, including my mom. My dead grandpa was there (alive) but there was another copy of him at the door and I stoped them from opening it. The copy came in and then we somehow killed him. Later, another copy of my grandpa came in but he had no idea what was happening and couldn't kill us. So someone else came in and tried to teach him how to fight while we were right there. I threw pants at them and they left. I grabbed all the sharpest object in the house without going upstairs because I didn't want to go alone. But my sisters room as upstairs and she had lots of sharp object in her room. I gave some to my family that was still alive and for some reason still making cookies. And then that was the end of my dream.

I'm honestly glad I can remember some when I wake up because they are hella weird. I have more from this year so let me know if you want me to share them with y'all.

Anyways, that was all I have to say. Have a good day/night <3

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