The Last Day of School (May)

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I keep forgetting to keep y'all updated on my life. I'm working on a bunch on requests from my other book right now. I've just been so bored, tired and lonely lately. I think it's just because it's summer and I have nothing to do. But, I have my Melanie Martinez concert soon so that's exciting.

It's been a couple weeks since the last day of school, but I kinda forgot when that was so that's fun. I think it was somewhere between May 18 - May 25. Anyways on the last day of school,

It was, sad to say the least. I miss all of my friends. It doesn't help that some are moving away. I want to get out more and actually do something with my life. Not spend my entire summer inside and playing video games.

(Authors Note when posting this: So far, I have spent more than half of my Summer inside my house, sleeping and playing video games. Literally, I'm not even joking. This is all I've been doing lately because my family is giving me problems that I shouldn't even have to deal with.)

Anyways, of course some of my friends gave each other gifts and stuff. Most of my friends signed my yearbook so I'm glad. But um, the last class of the day was my fifth period and if you know/remember what I kept writing about fifth period then, you understand why I would be suffering for the last hour of my middle school year.

We were told to sign everyone's yearbook (after we finished our final exams) but it was kinda embarrassing to do that. Anyways, remember Andy?

Yeah, you heard me, ANDY

So he told me, in the middle of our test, while it was SILENT, so that means EVERYONE HEARD. He told me, "Y'know, I'll miss you the most. I could've rizzed you up if we knew each other better." Y'ALL, EVERYONE LOOKED AT ME WHILE I JUST SILENTLY TURNED AWAY FROM HIM TO FOCUS ON MY TEST. HE SAID THAT TO ME DURING OUR FINAL EXAM.


Anyways, both Nathan and Andy signed my yearbook. Nathan just wrote his name (his hand writing was actually way better than I expected so props to him) while Andy wrote, 'I'll miss you'. And then, once I read the paper Andy came up to me and asked me for my number.

I literally got so embarrassed and walked away. My mom decided to pick me up early so I couldn't spend more time with my friends. Which, also caused me to forget to give them my number.

I know, I know, I shouldn't give my number to people that I find annoying and that I'm not really friends with but they were funny! They are honestly so funny! I would actually love to be their friend. But, I don't wanna participate in any activities they do, since they are trouble makers.

Since I forgot to give Nathan and Andy my numbers, I just emailed them my number, even though they most likely won't even see it until HighSchool starts and they need to check their email. I'll let y'all know if they respond/text me.

(Authors Note when posting this: they did not text or respond to me yet)


Again, sorry for not posting this sooner, I have to write about the Melanie Martinez concert I just went to. I even got gifts from nice strangers!! I know that I've been bad at doing requests for my other book but I was thinking of making a multi-fandom one shot/headcannon book. If you'd like that then maybe I could make it. Oh also I'm deleting my Project Sekai x OC by the end of the month.

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