November 17, 2022

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So the guy that 'confessed' to me keeps telling fake news to everyone. So A (the guy who 'confessed' to me) told everyone that I was his girlfriend, which I am not because I didn't say yes. To be exact I didn't say yes or no but that didn't mean I said yes. So I was just standing outside while I was waiting for my class doors to open up and I'm normally the first person to be there. A is second to stand in line. Apparently without me knowing, he was trying to put his arm around me like couples do. I didn't know but I backed up into the wall until I saw my friend coming to me. My friend said that she saw him trying to put his hand on me and I didn't know. I'm literally so stupid, I am the stupidest person alive. Anyways, my friends made the decision to email him saying 'haha you'll never have a girlfriend' 'no bitches' and stuff like that. But I was absolutely terrified because he was in our class. He was across the room but every time he got up I thought he was going to argue with us. Also something I forgot to tell y'all, I told a girl about the situation and she told me how to say no to him without being mean but because A didn't seem to remember what happened that day, I didn't say anything to him. But the girl went up to him and A replied with, "I never did that." He literally is such a liar. I can vividly remember him saying "can I rizz you up?" on Tuesday.

Anyways have a nice day/night <3

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