May 16, 2023

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So today I went to the waterpark and, it's was boring as hell. I couldn't even go on any of the rides because the lines were way too long. Also I got in trouble for 'cutting in line'.

To explain I told my friend to go into line since it was long and I left to go find some of my other friends to join. By the time my friends and I came back they were almost on the ride. I asked if I could go up there but my friend didn't even ask, pushed in front of me, and went into the line. I tried to go up there since I asked and tried to convince my friend to go back down. She kept arguing with me just because she wanted to go on the ride first.

Then another one of my friends came up for no reason at all. Then a lady started yelling at me, and only me, saying that I needed to go to the very bottom. Btw I was already in line, waiting for 10 minutes by now. I tried to tell her that I can't wait in lines for too long or else I would pass out (because of my health problems) but she yelled at me to go to the very bottom.

But this is true, I can't stand/wait in a long line for too long or else I can and will pass out. Which is why my family gets fast passes whenever we go to amusement parks. My mom also has a LOT of health problems so we'd have to get fast passes either way. Also, nobody really looked at me in my swim suit. I'm so grateful for that.

But! Something that happened that ruined my life also happened today! So I'm very stupid when it comes to dating/love. I'm pretty sure I was losing feelings for my boyfriend. So I made the mistake of telling that to one of my friends. And that friend is a close friend with my boyfriend.

So I told him that I was loosing feelings and he said, "Don't worry I'll deal with it." A couple minutes later he text me saying "Ok I did it." So obviously I asked what he did and he said he told my boyfriend that I was losing feelings for him but still wanted to be friends. That was true but I didn't want him to tell him. Especially since his birthday is in two weeks!

So I texted my boyfriend about it and he said, "It's fine. Im chillin. I knew it was coming." So, was he losing feeling too?? Also I did something that might've made my situation worse. I started to gain feelings for my first ex again.

Ummm, I'll just leave you with that information for now. Have a nice day/night :)

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