November 13, 2022

21 0 0

Trigger Warning: Death

I went to Six Flags today but when my family and I came back home the door was unlocked already. Like normally I'd put the code in to open it but it just opened. I told my older sister and mom about it and my sister left to go scan the house. And my mom basically lost her car keys in her bag. But she didn't even know it was in her bag so when she was looking all over the house we heard the car lock. Nobody had the keys. Not my sister, not my mom, and definitely not me because I was trying to fix my broken headphones. So now my family (besides my dad) believes that my house is haunted my my dead grandfather. My grandpa died in the house and it was a very traumatic experience for me since I was the first one to find his body. I still se him in my dreams and it's honestly creepy. But my mom thinks my grandpa is haunting my Annabelle doll. I have a Annabelle doll from the horror movie so that doesn't make it any better because now it's like the evil doll from a horror movie is coming to life. I would like to tell you more about my grandpa and how he still traumatizes me when he's dead but it's midnight for me right now. Anyways have a good day/night (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

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