June 15, 2023 (MM3 CONCERT)

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Today I went to my Melanie Martinez concert! This was my first concert so it was a huge deal to me! I bought a poster and a cute tote bag. And the tote bag fits my school computer so I'm definitely bringing that to school!

Even though our seats were far away from the stage, I loved just being in the presence of Melanie! Even if I was in a ten mile radius of Melanie Martinez, I'd love it! I love Melanie Martinez that much!

I recorded the entire thing so now I can rewatch it whenever I want. Also the dancers were AMAZING! I wish I was one of her dancers. But I'm extremely unfit and would not be able to pull off the stunts they did.

I absolutely loved the diversity there! Everyone was dressed in like, cottagecore, fairycore, goth, fairy goth. Many different body types and races. And obviously people with disabilities.

I felt so welcomed there. Everyone I interacted with was so nice there! I just love being in that environment. Even though it was crowded and there was at least 1,000 people there, I loved it! And I despise crowded places.

Right before the concert started two girls came up to me and gave me a bracket. They gave me a Portals themed bracelet while they gave my sister a orange bracelet with and orange mushroom. My sister just gave me hers since she didn't want it so I technically got two.

After the concert another girl came up to me and said, "I love your outfit so much! I wanted to give you this pouch I made!" It kinda looked Portals themed. I literally froze because I've never seen a stranger compliment me AND give me a gift.

I would show a pic of my outfit that day but I terrible at taking pictures. Plus with the way the fabric is, if I moved too much it would start falling off. And it takes SO long to put on and take off.

(Basically it was a Japanese kimono but shorter. It had cherry blossom trees for the design. It was actually really cute.)


Ive been getting random bursts of energy lately so I'll definitely be writing during that time. So far nothing has been going on with my life besides me finally finishing requests from my other book. But I will start trying to push myself to write even when I'm tired.

Maybe that's because I don't want to disappoint people. I feel like I'm starting to gain a connection with the people reading my book because I'm starting to feel like I need to talk less formal?

Also I gained new followers! And I see followers as friends for some reason. Like, if they like my writing/me that much to where they follow me, I see them as a friend. Or at least an acquaintance.

That's was all,
Have a nice day/night!!! <3

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