November 18, 2022

17 1 0

Before I made a BIG achievement. It may not seem like much to you but it's a big deal to me.

I GOT BITCHES(They're my friends, I'm not dating anyone)

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(They're my friends, I'm not dating anyone)

Anyways 'A' hasn't said anything to me yet. And he hasn't replied to my friends emails. I honestly regret letting my friends send the email to him because one of my best friends said that he was being more annoying and rude than usual. He would roll his eyes and ignore everyone including the teacher. I'm kinda glad he didn't say anything to me.

In my 6th period class, a bunch a BOYS were bullying me. One of my guy friends told me to not listen to them because they were bullying but I pulled out a fork. Please do not question it but I got it from my friend, who put plastic silverware in her sweater. Anyways I pulled out the fork and said "Don't worry. I have a fork for a reason." So yeah. More knowledge about the guy friend who said that. Let's call him... 'N' as to not dox him.

So whenever I get a piece of gum I make the wrappers into hearts. And lately N has been asking me to make him hearts and try's to steal the hearts I give to my other friends. Also whenever I'm in that class he only greets me and his guy friends. He also insults every other girl in that class except for me. Is this a sign for something?

Speaking of signs, I have another friend. So lately he's been acting weird to me as well. And just today he told me he had a crush on someone. So me being to nosy person I am, I asked who it was.  So he didn't answer and I kept asking. He didn't give in to anything I said so I started asking questions about what they looked like and how they acted. He described my hair, my height, and how I act towards him. So me being the dumb idiot at the moment I was like, "From what I heard, you should just confess sometime this year." And then I kept saying that he should say 'I like you' to them. I so regret saying that now. Anyways he said "I like you" to ME. but right after that he brushed it off saying that he was practicing and asked how he should say it. What is happening with my love life.

Anyways have a nice day/night <3

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