November 7, 2022

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I know I haven't written that much but my life has gone so much more downhill. So a week ago I decided that my friends and I should do secret Santa. It's not really 'secret' Santa because I know what everyone got. My best friend since second grade got another one of my friends that she didn't even know so I had to help her out, and my other friend got the hand writings messed up so I had to tell them who it was, I got my best friend. But if you use your brain then it's obvious that my other friend got me. That's not important to what I'm about to say though. So on my instagram I said I was unhappily single, which I WAS. Emphasis on was. It was literally yesterday that I posted it. Also please do not ask for my insta because I have no idea who any of you are and I don't want a 40 year old man to follow me. So back to topic, my whole entire freaking family follows me for some reason, my older sister, mom, uncle, aunt, and even my older cousin. So I guess my older cousin saw my unhappily single post and asked if we could date. Keep in mind that he was my older COUSIN, probably in his 20's now, and I'm a minor. Now that the serious topic is out of the way, I actually have somewhat good news today(?) I got a significant other. Honestly I don't even know if I truly like her though. Backtrack, I'm pansexual. Meaning I am attracted to male, female, gender neutral, non-binary, and all other genders. I never came out to my mom though. I just sent her a bunch of pansexual flags and then she knew. My older sister is bisexual and my mom was completely fine with it. My dad on the other hand is close minded and isn't really open about it, like he finds drag queens to be a little weird. But not to the point where he's homophobic. He's just confused and doesn't understand. And I don't know how my family would react to me dating someone of the same gender. I feel like my mom would support but she'd be like pushy about it or something. Or like mess things up or something. It's hard to explain. But my older sister and mom would definitely react like,
"Oh you finally got a significant other? Who is it? Ooh~ my baby is growing up." And cringy stuff like that.
A lot of stuff is happening at school too. A LOT of people are starting to steal from me. Almost a month ago someone stole my Kaoru Hitachiin pin off of my backpack. Like the only way to get it is to unzip my backpack and undo the pin. And now it's gone and it's really special to me because on if my friends gave it to me for my birthday. And just today someone stole my artwork. It wasn't for art but it took my 30 freaking minutes to make it and I was actually proud of myself for once. And to make matters worse, I had my name on my art. I hate my school so much it is indescribable, but I just have to tolerate it for one more year and then I can go to my next school.
I feel like with the information I just told you, you can probably guess my age range and as long as you guys don't make it weird then it's fine. This is the longest things I've written and thank you for taking time out of your day to read into my personal life. Also question, what do I do about the whole "I don't know if I actually like my girlfriend (that I just got today) or if I just see her as a close friend?" Like do I break up with her or do I stay with her and do I try to let my emotions decide? This is so confusing. Why does life always treat me so unfair. Anyways I have to go now, good night/day to you all!

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