March 2, 2023

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Ok so I forgot to write for a while but a lot of things have been happening but when are things not happening in my life??

On Tuesday, I had my choir UIL practice and we got to skip half of school and sing. But it was kinda scary because we had to sing in front of other choir classes. I kept comparing our songs and our voices to others and it kept making me feel upset.

So when we came back it was our third period (aka choir for me) and we came back in the middle of it. So me and my three friends went to one of the bathrooms and changed. But, we skipped the rest of the period.


But I chickened out in the end and went back to class for the last five minutes and found out my friends were playing uno. But I feel proud of myself because that was my first time every skipping and my other friends were almost caught.

On march 1, (or February 28) Andy keeps flirting with me?? Like he honestly keeps complementing me and my hair. But yesterday or whatever...

He caressed my hand.

I was holding onto Mandi's backpack and talking with my friends when I felt something warm on my hand. I looked back and saw Andy take a step away from me. He then blames another girl that was nowhere near me and that I know would never touch me. But he literally caressed my hand.

Imagine, my hand gripping onto Mandi's backpack. Andy uses his hand and slides it from what felt like my wrist to my knuckles. That's what he did to me.

Yesterday, on the bus home. I was sitting on the bus with my best friend, minding our own business. Then a guy behind us out of nowhere says "are you racist?" "No but I have a feeling that you're racist because you asked that." He got like so offended at that and said "then why do you have two hair colors?" What does my hair have to do with this. Just because I have a split dye doesn't mean I'm racist. And also my hair was based off of Melanie Martinez so don't think that my hair is based off of ethnicities.

"You're probably trying to be black since you wear all that black clothing." Bitch I am fucking black. I just wear black because it matches with everything and I don't like wearing bright colors that make me stand out (as if I don't stand out already). But I am literally a mix of Black, White, Asian, and Mexican. Anyways I told him that I was literally black and white (I didn't include Asian or Mexican because he'd somehow get confused and ask more questions).

But also he called the blonde side of my hair white so I'm pretty sure he's color blind.

Anyways that was it, have a nice day/night <3

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