January 20, 2023

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Okay so what the hell happened today?? Well, it just happened in one of my classes but like still. I'm absolutely terrified. Btw before I start it's not something bad.

Okay so luckily in my leadworthy class we didn't merge the two classes together (avid and leadworthy) these past two days. But I swear. That whenever I walk through the halls to get to my class, I see her and she's just staring at me. I just look at the ground and ignore her but I swear! She's literally out to get me! Like she's trying to start a fight with me! That teacher literally hates me for no reason!!

Anyways while in my leadworthy class yesterday there's like three students (males) and they are hella loud and annoying. Tbh I used to have a slight crush on one of them but you didn't hear that from me. ^^

Anyways two of them (one was the one I used to have a slight crush on) came up to me and my table group/friends. They were saying something but I wasn't focusing on what they were saying so I didn't know what they were talking about. Not until I heard my name included in their conversation.

I heard them say "Yeah but what about Gwen? She has half and half." I looked up from my assignment and questioned what they were doing. Of course they ignored me and the other guy said "Yeah but that's because she's crazy."

Bish if you think me having a split dye and doing my work quietly is crazy, then you'll be mind blown if you found out my online persona/how I act around my friends. But then the two boys started comparing me to another girl (my friend who was sitting across from me) and even compared me to the teacher??

Anyways, today one of the guys wasn't here so it was super quiet. Some the other guy was talking to the other kid that I find annoying and started to talk about me and my friend 'Mandi'. I'll refer to this guy as 'Andy' (obviously not his real name). Anyways Andy noticed that Mandi and I were staring at him since he mentioned our names so he just stopped talking and got all nervous.

He came up to us and apologized and even gave me and jolly rancher. But later in the class he would go back to talking about us. But I think it was mostly me, idk though because I only listened to the parts where he said my name. I kinda forgot what he said so I'm sorry.

The teacher made us go to some random students and read off our assignment to get better at 'public speaking'. So I just tried to stay with my friend Mandi but Andy called me over to him. The teacher made me pair up with Andy and as soon as I walked over, he loudly (but not yelled) stated that he loved me. His exact words, "I love you, Gwen." And I quote. The whole entire class heard.

In my mind I was literally yelling, 'BRO I DO NOT LIKE YOU LIKE THAT! I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU TO BEGIN WITH!' No but that's not the worse part! The worst part is, Andy already has a girlfriend. And I'm pretty sure he has a crush on one of the other girls in our class. But yes you heard me,

Near the end of class I turned in my assignment and Andy and the other guy came up to me. And only me.

"Are you Christian?"

"No, I'm gay."

I'm not kidding!!! Those were his exact words to me and I just replied with, "No I'm gay."!!! I can't fvcking breathe!!! XD

Anyways after I said that, the other guy said, "Of course you are." And looked at me with a disgusted face. Okay so I didn't say this before but during class the other guy was being so nosy. Like he was trying to get into my business and know into my personal life. Every time he would ask what was in my bag I was just say, "Ur mom." And when he asked for clarification I would just say, "Ur mom is gay and so are you."

So apparently the guy I said that to is homophobic so he now hates me for being gay.

Back to before, Andy then asked "Do you believe in god?" Like what the hell are these questions? I don't want to get into religion nor religious beliefs so please don't comment stuff like that. So I didn't know what to say so I just said "Sure, I guess." And then they both said "Okay, that's a good start. Making some progress." Like what are you trying to do?!

Anyways that's what happened. Still very confused. Have a nice day/night I guess? XD <3

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