January 18, 2023

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(Btw I copy and pasted this from my school computer so if it seems a little off that's why)

Today has been such an off day for me. I got another 2 hours of sleep so all day I've been hella tired. Anyways, the things I'm really upset about is my 5th period. 1. My actual 5th period teacher is the leadworthy teacher but she also does AVID. Apparently she's trying to like, merge the two classes together because today the leadworthy class went to the AVID room.

She told me to go sit somewhere and pointed at some place but I couldn't see because all I saw was heads. I didn't know where to go so I just sat with my friend 'Mandi'. (Not her real name) But a few minutes later she found out, got angry at me, and told me to sit where I was supposed to go. That was honestly one of the most embarrassing things I've done in a long time because it was infront of so many people and half of them I didn't even know. But she got REALLY angry at me for writing in my notebook.

All I did was write "The AVID teacher is so strict. I think she's also the one that made me go back to my class even though I just sat down in the bus area. What I mean by that, when I was a bus rider I just went to my friend, who was also a bus rider, and sat with them and waited. There was a whole spot for people to wait for their bus for a reason so I just sat down with them. Then suddenly a teacher came up to me and started getting all angry at me for sitting there. I started to actually get scared so I just headed back to my class. But my bus was literally just called so I didn't know what to do. I tried to turn back but another teacher (the AVID teacher) stopped me.

She started to interrogate me and even asked me if I went to this school?? At the time I was like, I'm sorry but why would there be someone from a different school here? Anyways I answered her questions and she said "Okay so why don't you go back to class already because that's not what we do here" Like I was already going there in the first place so why are you trying to stop me? You were the one that came up to me and started this whole thing. I'm sorry for my outburst but like. I'm still confused/angry at that moment.

Back to current time, she was reading over my should as I wrote that and I saw her so I stopped writing for a minute. She told me to go outside and when I did she was so mad at me for writing that. She said "I get it if you don't like me but you DO NOT insult me/disrespect me in my own classroom!" Or something like that. I didn't even disrespect you, I think?? Like all I said was that you're strict and you even agreed when I said it to your face.

But like after her literally interrogating me again about my life decisions and what I want to be in the future I walked back into class and literally FOUGHT to hold in my tears. And because we spent like 5-10 minutes outside I didn't know what to do. But I didn't know anyways because I was too focused on not crying in front of everyone. I'm honestly a really sensitive person and just by her telling me to sit away from my friend, it almost made me cry.

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