I'm Back

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I'm back, I'm slightly better, I'm gonna continue writing. I told my friends about the situation and they all left me except for one. My best friend since second grade. Idk if I gave him a nickname but for now we can call her 'B'. At least until someone else comes in my life with a b name.

And B uses all pronouns so if you want to refer to them, then you can use any pronouns. Im planning on making M&M cookies, cake pops, and Oreo cupcakes next week. I'm gonna try to be productive with my life. I actually doing much better with my health. I still have my moments but it's better compared to before.

As for my friend...

He still hasn't responded. I don't think he wants to be associated with me anymore. I understand if that's the case but he could at least tell me. I just don't want him dead. I've already dealt with enough of my loved ones dying.

Also, thank you, Kuroi. I genuinely appreciate you worrying and caring for my mental health. I know we only talk online but I feel like we're real friends. I hope you feel the same way! Thank you for staying with me since the beginning.

Everyone, have a nice day/night,
Make sure to love and take care of yourselves <3

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