March 3, 2023

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So I just witnessed my neighbors being arrested in real life. This is going to be in my point of view but this is how my neighbors got arrested on Friday in front of my house.

I was minding my own business and listening to music with my headphones when I heard a yell and "put your hands up!" So I took on of them out and saw police lights outside my window. I questioned whether I should tell my mom or mind my own business but because it was our neighbors I had to tell her.

I ran downstairs and was like "There's police outside!" My mom instantly got up and looked out the window to see my neighbor with his hands up. In our house it's window on left, door, window on right. We were looking through the right one but I switched to the other when U heard talking at our other neighbors house. I looked out that window and saw my neighbors talking to the police.

So our house was literally in between all this. We kept going back and forth and we saw people literally walking outside and being nosy (like us). We even saw someone 'walking their dog'. We saw them searching the cars and coming out with police reports. But we all later found out that it was the house next to my neighbors house.

The police arrested two guys and one of the arresting was in our front yard so I can now say that someone has been arrested on my property. My mom was talking to the police officer after and then we finally got the whole story.

Apparently in that house, there was two girls and five guys and my sister said that it always smelt like weed and other illegal drugs. Apparently one of the guys threw a brick through a window and there was two gunshots fired. I have an excuse of wearing my headphones but my mom literally thought it was the TV. Like why would a show about HighSchool drama have bricks and gunshots and yelling in the background??

We told everyone else in our family and I told some of my friends. But my mom and I were the only ones home at the time. But yeah, that happened. Hopefully we get new neighbors.

Have a nice day/night <3

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