Kamiyama High students x NB!Reader (Christmas special)

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(Just so y'all know, this is a really long one. Please let me know if you want another one with the Miyamasuzaka Girls' Academy characters.) (Check the bottom if you want to see Project Sekai Christmas pictures)

I walked through the halls of Kamiyama HighSchool while tightly gripping a present in both of my hands. I walked to An and Mizuki's class I saw Mizuki getting crowded by lots of people. Mizuki looked like they were about to cry from how uncomfortable they were. I was about to say something to them until I heard one of the people crowding Mizuki ask "Why do you even dress like a girl? It's weird." I stopped and looked at Mizuki to see if they were going to do something but they just sat there and took it. "Oh, I just like to dress like this!" Mizuki said while smiling nervously. Mizuki closed their eyes and started to slightly rock back in forth in their seat. I walked up the the group and stood in front of Mizuki. "I heard that someone put a mistletoe outside. I think that (insert random popular person name) is near that area." I said. In reply the crowd of people all ran off to go find the mistletoe.

I turned around and looked Mizuki straight in the eye. "Thanks for that Y/N." Mizuki said softly. "Anything for you." I said instantly. Mizuki blushed a little and decided to tease me a little. "Anything?" Mizuki said with a sly smile. I blushed a little and opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Mizuki. "Haha! The look on your face!" Mizuki laughed loudly.

Once Mizuki calmed themself down they took a long look at me and realized the present I had in my hands. "Ooh! What's in the box?" Mizuki questioned. Mizuki reached their arms out to grab the box out of my hold but I quickly held the box up in the air. "Sorry it's a surprise!" I said. Mizuki pouted and I started to laugh at them. "Anyways, I came to ask if you wanted to come to my Christmas party later today." I said. Mizuki seemed to light up at my sentence. "Of course I would! Do you want me to bring you a cute gift?" Mizuki asked excitedly. "Sure." I said.

I walked away as Mizuki cheered behind me. Before I left, I turned around in the doorway and saw Mizuki kicking the air and shaking their head with their arms hiding their face. I chuckled to myself and went back to finding everyone else. After a few minutes of searching, I couldn't find An so I just went to find Toya and Nene. I went to their class and saw Nene playing video games. I walked up to her, placed the box on the desk behind hers, and covered her eyes. She paused for a moment until she heard the game play a sound that let her know that she died.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Nene asked with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. I chuckled nervously and removed my hands from Nene's eyes. "Sorry to make you die but did you want to come to my Christmas party later?" I asked her. "But you know how much I hate parties and people in general!" Nene pouted. "I won't even invite that much people!" I said. "Is Rui going to be there?" Nene asked hesitantly. "If it makes you feel better than yes?" I lied. "Alright I'll go." Nene replied and quickly went back to her game. "Alright see you then!" I said and went to my seat/class.

-Timeskip to Lunchtime-

I rushed out of my seat and went to Akito's class. I looked in the doorway but didn't see him so I found the nearest wall and laid my back to it. 'Where the hell are An, Akito, and Toya?!' I thought angrily. I walked to the fountain (idk if the school has a fountain but let's just go with it) and sat on one of the benches with my lunch in one hand and my present in the other. I looked around and saw An scolding Akito while Toya just ate his lunch silently. I walked up to them and tapped An's shoulder.

"You need to learn to stop cheating you stupid ginger!" An yelled. "An look behind you." Akito said while rolling his eyes at An's statement. An turned around and jumped at how close my face was to hers. "Hi guys!" I smiled brightly. "Hey." An and Akito both said at the same time. An quickly glared at Akito. Toya just waved as his face was still full of food. "Do you guys want to come to my Christmas party later today?" I asked. "Sorry I have work." An said sadly. I frowned and put both my hands together in a praying motion. "Please come to my party! I beg of you!" I said. I looked up and saw An super embarrassed at my actions. "I'll see if I can make it." An replied.

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