January 25, 2023

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Okay so this is going to be kinda short but,

My friend that went to Disney finally make back and now I have Disney snacks!!! I'm so happy their back.

So while I was walking to my first period/class, a group of boys were just talking until I walked by them. I have no idea who they are and what they said about me made me uncomfortable. I was the only one walking in the halls so I know they were talking about me.

One of the boys said, "She's hot." And I don't know if it was the same guy or not but they also said, "I want to see her ID." Like why my ID?? Also, I feel uncomfortable when someone I don't know calls me hot/attractive. Like whenever I'm not being bullied, I'm being sexualized.

Also, when I first walked into my school today I passed by two teachers. They are ones that I've never had before so I don't even know their names. But they were talking to each other as I passed by. Again, I was the only person in the halls at the time. They both looked at me and turned back to each other and said, "I don't like her." And I wasn't even far away, I was basically right next to them as they said it.

But today I was carrying this cute little bear that I got from the hospital (when I was first diagnosed with my medical problem) so it's very special to me. I can give you a very detailed explanation of my medical condition. It's not necessarily bad but it's not good either. Anyways, I don't always carry it around. I only bring it for special occasions and whenever I'm stressed and need to hug something. So with that information.

They said "Yeah, she's always carrying stuff. Like that bag." Oh yeah, I also carry a bag filled with electronics and other things for my medical condition. But again, I have no idea who those teachers are and they literally just said that they didn't like me. They basically said that they disliked me in front of my face as if I was deaf, and I wasn't even wearing earbuds so I don't know why that grown adults think that 'kids' can't hear anything you say. Because I have pretty good hearing so that annoys me a lot.

Someone also called me a Monster High doll but I take it as a compliment because the Monster High characters are so cute. <3

Anyways, have a nice day/night <3

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