May 4th, 2023

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Sorry for not posting for about a month. I'm going to share everything that's happened.

I got a new boyfriend who literally speaks to me everyday, unlike my ex who literally ignored me. There's a dance and by the time I post this it's either tomorrow or later today. I'm obviously taking my boyfriend. Recently my friend (who is also my boyfriends friend) keeps trying to take him away from me. I think it's in a joking manner but idk. He also whispered something to boy boyfriend earlier today and I heard "you two should fvck tomorrow". I HAVE NO IDEA. But that's what I heard, I'm pretty sure I need to clean my ears more.

I've made three friends just this week so be proud of me. One of them is a cool looking scene guy. I really want to be his friend and he even called my outfit cool today! Oh but also today, a random six grader told me that he would smash me. But he said it in front of my boyfriend. Anyways I have my choir concert coming up soon and I helped with the choreography.

There's this thing called the eighth grade choice awards and we answer the questions with people that's fit the prompts. For example, best smile, class clown, best athlete, most likely to be on American idol, and more stuff like that. So he next day after we voted for random people, they chose from the most voted people and apparently

I'm one of the nominees for best dressed girl! Idk if it's because of all of my friends or something but I'm one of the nominees! I was honestly so excited when I saw that. I know you can vote for yourself but I voted mg friend who had a style that I honestly wish I had, I still like mine tho. They're going to reveal the results at the dance.

Last thing, and it's really annoying. So lately our bus has been coming late. Like yesterday it was 40 minutes late. And when we tried to get on people literally kept pushing me to the ground just to get on first. But it didn't even matter because she was yelling at everyone to be separated. Boys in the back and girls in the front, but the other bus driver never said to do anything like that before. But she literally stopped the bus twice because people were literally talking. And she kept yelling at us because we had our hoods on but we aren't even on school property so shut up lady. You're putting a bad reputation on white ladies. It's always the white ladies that make us do this. But they made it really unsafe now because we have to sit three to a seat. But is sitting with a boy really going to more dangerous than sitting three to a seat?

Sorry but the bus situation keeps making me really angry. I literally almost had a mental breakdown and cried on the bus that day cuz it was so crowded and tight. I'm not okay being in tight places, especially if the people around me are all sweating and I'm being yelled at by a white lady. But I keep having almost panic attacks on the bus because of what's happening and they keep getting angry at ME?!? What the actual fvck is wrong with my school.

Anyways, thank you for reading all of this, have a nice day/night. Take care and love yourselves. <3

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