November 13, 2023

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Ok so I WAS gonna show you my Halloween costume (it was Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas) and the dress was really cute and I did super cute makeup but I realized that I would've done a face reveal and I'm not really for that yet.



Remember Andy? Yeah omg ever since HighSchool started and he hasn't had classes with Nathan (remember Nathan too?) he's been so different. I also have a class with Nathan and he's annoying but slightly more behaved than before, still annoying, loud, and immature, but more behaved.

Anyways after school Andy came up to me and asked me to buy chocolates, even complimenting my shoes saying "those look pretty expensive ma'am do you have a dollar to buy chocolate?"

Oh btw the school was having students sell chocolates (yes take the money from the students since you're so poor)

Anyways I was like "Do you even remember me?" And then he was like "Oh! You dated that one chick!" Btw we never actually dated. Anyways I bought the chocolate and there was two girls next to him and they looked at me and I immediately remembered them as the 'popular' girls at middle school (they ain't popular anymore obviously)

But one of them literally said to me "Oh I remember you! You actually looked pretty and I wanted to compliment you but I never had any classes with you"


Did I hear that right? I don't think I did but I swear that's what I heard. The popular girl that I'm pretty sure used to bully me (or maybe not idk) actually liked me back them and wanted to compliment me?!

Probably one of the best days of my life.

I made three new friends (who are seniors and are also my cousin's friends) and even tho the vending machines were closed whenever my cousin tried to buy me a Snapple, he still tried and I love my cousin so much. He's been helping me so much this years since it's the only year I'll be able to be in HighSchool with him. I'm so grateful that he's my cousin.

ALSO! I went to my HighSchool beauty and the beast theater concert on Saturday and it was actually SO GOOD. Like the costumes, the voices, the props, they were all SO AMAZING. I wish I recorded that because it was so much better than I thought. And I'm so surprised because the girl that got Belle wasn't even in Choir and she had such a BEAUTIFUL AND OUTSTANDING VOICE like I can't describe it and I REALLY wished I recorded it because she was SO AMAZING.

Also my Choir friend gave me the best compliment ever (at least for a singer) this morning! She said that I had such a great and wide vocal range that she hasn't heard from many people before and that the only thing I needed to do to actually get solos was be louder. And she literally has one of the best singing voices I heard. So yeah I had a good day today.

That was all I wanted to say for today. Make sure to love and take care of yourselves. Have a nice day/night <3

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