Melanie Martinez <3

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I love Melanie Martinez. I love her style, her music, how talented she is, and I love her new look.

As you may or may not have read my freak out over Melanie Martinez, she has just released her album, Portals. I love every single song from that album. Especially 'Evil'.

But I do not understand how anyone can dislike her. And that rumor (if you don't know the rumor then search it up) that was 100% made up ruined her reputation completely. But I was and will always be Melanie's fan.

Fun fact, I have been listening to Melanie Martinez for 8 years. (Her first songs were released 9 years ago). I'm not even joking. I love Melanie Martinez so much.

Anyways she's having a concert near where I live and it's during June. So as a surprise, my parents bought me tickets to a Melanie Martinez concert.

I honestly wish I introduced my mom to Melanie Martinez earlier (while she was still in her CryBaby era) because now she's never going to do it again. But Mel said it herself that she dislike her CryBaby phase.

I am honestly so grateful to have Melanie Martinez in my life because she has helped me for 8 years now. She even helped me not kill myself. Melanie is my savior, she gives me hope, she helps with self esteem. I honestly wish I could be like Melanie.

I love her so much that I can't even put it into words. And I'm so excited to go to her concert.

Anyways that was it. Take care of and love yourself. Have a nice day/night <3

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