January 23, 2023

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Andy is back at it again (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)

So today, Andy and the other guy that I said I had a slight crush on were here today. The other dude wasn't but it didn't matter since he was kinda quiet. My teacher put Mine and Mandi's table together with theirs so I was just like, 'why god why?'

I'll refer to the guy I had a slight crush on as 'Nathan' (again not his actual name) You may remember him as 'N' from November 18, 2022. I finally figured out a name for him. Anyways, during class Nathan said that Andy had a crush on Mandi. Yes, I'll repeat that for the gays in the back.


But what's confusing is that he said he loved me on Friday, while he has a girlfriend. Yes he has a girlfriend, I don't know what's going on in his head. And speaking of not knowing what's going on in someone's head. Nathan is a complete imbecile. He's so dumb.

So in the middle of class Nathan said that L.A. (Los Angeles) was a state. And that California was in L.A. And as a person that was born in California, I felt offended. But there's a lot of dumb people at my school. And I mean a lot. Like there is this one girl in my Social Studies class that thought that Pluto was a continent/country. She also said that history was the study of the future. As you can tell, this school is full of genius's.

But for some reason Andy and Nathan were fighting and I don't know if they were play fighting or friendly fighting or actually trying to beat each other up but they started fighting each other right next to me and Mandi and they even tackled each other into the table. This is why nobody in our class likes them.

So the teacher lets us do this thing that she likes to call, 'good shares/good things'. So when I went I said that I would make my friend heart shaped chocolate chip cookies for Valentines Day. (I will) But Nathan got angry at me because last time I didn't give him a cookie. But the only reason I didn't was because he was absent the day I was giving them out.

So I said, "If you or any guy wants one of my cookies, I will not make them into a heart." And I kid you not, Nathan said that I was sexist. But before that, he said some sexist things about me and Mandi. So in all honesty, I'm not sure if I should give him a cookie. I mean, I do kinda have a very very small tiny crush on him still. But that's not the point.

Near the end of class I told the teacher that last semester, Nathan and Andy seemed to like it whenever people shipped them together. Also during class, Nathan would ship Mandi and Andy together. And then he shipped me and Andy. And then he shipped me and Mandi. That's enough ships for today. But I literally grabbed onto Mandi's hand and screamed "No!" And then he started shipping me with Mandi again.

But apparently when I told the teacher about Nathan and Andy's ship, Nathan was right behind me. So when I saw him and had to fight the urge to punch him in the face. He started getting all happy about being shipped with Andy and they both started walking towards me and Mandi. While I was literally clinging to Mandi like a leach Nathan started to get angry at me for stealing 'Andy's girl'. So I stepped between them before Andy could do anything. As soon as the bell rang Mandi and I booked it to our next class. It literally took me until 7th period to calm down.

And today was the very last day to change schedules and even though my counselor suggested that I switch to another class, she told me to tough it out. Like I went in today and she was like, "Just deal with it. You're pushing yourself." But no. Because of how chaotic things are I honestly don't think I can make it this semester. And then she keeps suggesting a parent teacher meeting but it's not like the teachers the problem, it's the other teacher (and some of the students). But in all honesty I really like my class and I'm already comfortable with them from last semester.

Anyways have a nice day/night? <3

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