March 13, 2023

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I had a weird dream where my mom got a job and at the night shift (that she was forced to do) there were monsters trying to kill her. My sister wasn't in it but I noticed in the background that there was a picture of me and her saying 'best friends!' So my sister was my best friend.

She currently can't walk because of a medical problem and she uses a scooter. That transferred to the nightmare. My mom filled out the application and was about to leave. I tried to tell her no because apparently I had a vision that she would die at her job. She got angry and walked out the door but she gave my dad her phone and application. My dad tried to search up the job on his phone but it wouldn't show up. I ran out with my moms phone and stopped in front of her car. I almost got run over but it's okay in order to protect my mom. I kept telling her it wasn't a good idea but she got angry and drove off.

Two hours later she came back and got the job, much to my dismay. Day 1, nothing happened. Day 2, her coworker did want to work that day so she forced my mom to do the night shift. I only now realize that my dream was kinda like FNAF but with me protecting my mom. And for some reason my point of view switched to hers whenever she worked at night.

Also the workplace, it honestly looked like a insane asylum and there was machinery everywhere. But it was an 'office' job.

That night it was normal but she got this feeling of a shadow watching over her. Day 3, my mom was again forced to work the night shift. This time their was a group of old ladies. I honestly have no idea what they were talking about but some stuff was babies, political stuff, and books. My mom was just sitting there and not doing her job but then there was a shadow. It slowly got bigger and bigger and the light started to dim. The shadow started to walk towards my mom and showed it's razor sharp teeth. I don't know if the ladies didn't see it or if they didn't care but they continued talking. The shadow creature opened its mouth and tried to eat my mom but instead of my dream ending, it cut to another part of my dream.

Day 4, it was apparently being your child to work day. I of course went and insisted to stay for her night shift. It cut to her night shift and I was sitting next to my mom while she was doing computer work. And suddenly a clown appeared. He was slouched as he was walking, almost as if he was trying to sneak in here. He stopped in front of us and started to run at us. But I think he was just a colorful mime because he wouldn't move. He was just running in place.

I pushed my mom through the doorway and told her to run away. Which she can't because she's disabled. I took out my metal pipe (I forgot to tell you that I brought a metal pipe for protection) and threatened the clown/mime.

It cut to my mom being chased on her scooter by the clown/mime. Every time the clown/mime got close, it would just start dancing like Pennywise. My mom turned a corner but it was a dead end. The dead end was just a hallway that was filled with pictures of clowns. The clown/mime turned the corner and ran towards my mom. But that was where my dream ended.

Did I mention that whenever my mom works the night that I see it in her perspective? Well I saw everything that happened to my mom in her perspective. It was actually quite terrifying.

Anyways thank you guys for reading! I'll make another chapter if anything else happens today because I just woke up. Have a nice day/night <3

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