November 22, 2022

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So my dad has been working 24/7 without any break days ever since, about 3 months now. He has been overworking himself because nobody at his store wants to work now. And my whole family NEEDS my dad to continue working for insurance. About a month ago, they store came up with this 'genius' plan to make all the managers of the store to manage another store and the store my dad was going to manage only had one employee. So he had the stress of getting more employees, working on his original job, taking care of his family, himself, and other problems. My uncle, who is also my dads friend won't let my dad quit because my dad basically helps everyone and does their work for them. Two weeks ago, my dad finally got someone to work for his second store but they were absolutely terrible at it so my dad had to waste his time training him. My dad has to get up at like 5am to go to work and comes back at around 10-11pm so he is gone all day. Just today the dude that my dad just hired and trained and spent all this time on, just quit. My dad desperately wants to quit but my mom keeps trying to tell him no because it's for our health insurance. The health insurance is really important because my mom has like 20 or more medical problems so it's a lot of money for her. But also I have a health condition too, and without enough money I might not be able to live because it's that serious. I'll get more into my health sometime if you guys are interested. But my dad is the only person that makes money for us to live. My mom can't work, I'm too young to work, and my older sister does things for herself and HAS to live here because when she did try to move out, she quit her job and got two pets so she was forced to move back in. But with the way my older sister spends her money, there is no way she's going to be able to buy a house. My older sister is also still paying my parents back for the money they spent on her car so that's not really helping. But I'm too young to even get a job so I can't do anything to help. Even if I did bring money to my parents they'd give it back because I earned it. But my dad is currently trying to quit right now as I'm typing this so I'm about to cry because of all the situations I am in.

Anyways have a nice day/night :)

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