December 5, 2022

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So, I think I have 5 people that have a crush on me...

You already know one of them, 'A' but there is a guy I'll call him 'S' and lately he's been giving me gifts and starting small talk with me in our free time. But I only have Math class with him, there is this one girl that came up to us and was like "are you and (ex-girlfriend name) still dating?" And S said no. So she looked at me and immediately walked away. So there's that.

There is another guy, he's the one I texted about his crush. So today, none of my teachers gave out lollipops but I didn't get one. He got the lollipop and whenever someone would try to take it from him, he would say no. But when I asked he gave me the lollipop. So my friend went "omg I think you're his crush!" .

So I don't know how I can abbreviate his name into a letter so, his name is going to be Sal. (Sal is NOT his real name, I'm just using a fake name so he still has privacy.) Anyways last week on Friday. While I was walking to the car pickup, I was just screaming MCR (My Chemical Romance) lyrics in the halls. So Sal went up to me and started singing with me. After a few lyrics he went "We're both emo together!" And then he left. So just today, I saw Sal at the car pickup and then I asked for his number because I wanted to be friends. That's literally what friends do right? They give each other numbers, right?

Okay so, Sal said, "Someone said Lee (Lee is one of my friends since Elementary) had a crush on me." Lee did not like him because she is currently dating someone. It's not anything bad because they were dating 2nd year of middle school but now Lee's significant other is in HighSchool . Lee's significant other is gender-fluid so I'll just refer to them with they/them pronouns.

So when I asked Sal for his number he literally went, "Okay this is going fast" my initial thought was, 'does he think I want to date him?' The only reason I thought that was because when people are a couple who are just holding hands and then one day they kiss in front of like 50 people they are like 'are we moving too fast?'. So that's what I thought.

The last person I think has a crush on me is a guy named 'N'. Again not his actual name. So N is like the class clown/troublemaker. On like the first day of school he was like "you're my best friend" to me. So I just dealt with it. So N compliments me and gives me physical contact like high fives and fist bumps and stuff like that. (No hugging) He actually defended me while his friends were literally bullying me and my fashion in the middle of class. N also says that I'm his favorite female person in the school. But I don't know if he actually has a crush on me or not because that's basically what friends do, give each other compliments and high fives. Or maybe it's different if it's a boy and girl friendship?

I'm in a really confusing situation right now and I feel like I'm just making a really bad accusation because only two of the people have actually 'confessed'. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not but that's where I am in life. Anyways have a nice day/night :)

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