November 16, 2022

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I think that someone has a crush on me but I don't know. To keep names secret to and not dox anyone, the person who I am going to talk about will be referred to as 'A'.

It actually started near the beginning of school and A would constantly stare at females and occasionally looking at only me and one of my female friends. So it was the beginning at the second six weeks of school and my assigned seat was next to his and that's when it went downhill. A would always stare at me and when I noticed him looking at me he would always answer "Why are you looking at me?" One day though, the people around us started talking about random topics and one of the topics it got to was ethnicity. I am a mix of multiple races, White, Black, Asian, and a tiny bit of Mexican. So I told them that and A started making racist comments about it. A was racist to me and I did not like that at all. This lead to us arguing quietly and kicking each other and me stealing his items a lot in the classroom. We only had one class together so it was fine.

A few weeks later, aka currently, on Monday (November 14)  A got a hair cut and showed it to me. It actually looked pretty nice and I told him that, he said I had a crush on him (I didn't). A kept putting his hood up to cover his hair but because hoodies aren't allowed at my school I kept trying to pull it off his head. Now that I think about it, it was probably a mixed signal to him?

When I pulled down his hoodie he said to me and I quote, "You look pretty cute today". Like what the heck.

So yesterday was a field trip to a high school, which 1. is the lamest field trip ever. But after we got kicked out of the school because we ran out of time he came up to me. Everyone else was crowding each other and there was a bunch of people outside so I guess you can say there was a crowd. They weren't paying attention though so that was good. A literally said and I quote, "Can I rizz you up?" Now I have no idea what it actually mean but Urban Dictionary says this,

 A literally said and I quote, "Can I rizz you up?" Now I have no idea what it actually mean but Urban Dictionary says this,

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(The black box said the N-word)

His friend who had apparently been listening to his pathetic confession translated for him and said, "A wants to ask you out but he's to scared to." I didn't reply and I only walked away. Also here's one thing that I forgot to mention but is a serious part of the situation. A does not even know my own name. I use a preferred name at school and it is Gwen. He didn't even know that even though everyone around him says it. So as you can tell, A is a imbecile. I don't like him but from what he said to me yesterday I'm scared to talk to him again. I don't know how to let him down. Also I completely forgot about the girlfriend situation, she said no and now we're back to being friends.

Thank you to anyone who actually read this entire thing, have a prize.

Thank you to anyone who actually read this entire thing, have a prize

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Have a nice day/night and goodbye <3

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