Riddle Rosehearts x Reader

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(3rd POV)

"(Name) hurry!" Ace yelled. (Name) moved their legs faster reached for Deuce's arm. Ace and Deuce were pushed further away by the other students. (Name) looked around and spotted Riddle, but something was off. Riddle had overblotted. Riddle noticed (Name)'s stare and quickly turned towards them. (Name) flinched as they locked eyes and slowly moved back as if Riddle was a bear.

"(Name)." Riddle said. (Name) froze. "Yes, Rosehearts?" "I'm sorry." Tears formed in Riddle's eyes. "Why?" (Name) looked at the burning rose bushes. "I overblotted and tried to hurt you." He paused. "Mom would be so disappointed." Riddle finally let more tears stream down his face.

(Name) didn't know what to do and slowly moved closer to Riddle. "(Name), what the hell are you doing?!" Ace whisper-shouted. (Name) looked at Ace and gave him a look saying 'trust me'. (Name) carefully wrapped their arms around Riddle's body and gave him a reassuring hug.

"(Name)," "Yes, Riddle?" (Name) looked at the people crowding around. Many people were whispering and at shock at how (Name) could easily calm Riddle down. "I think I like you." Riddle took a deep breath and calmed down. (Name) stayed silent and closed their eyes.

After a few minutes of standing there, Riddle passed out on top of (Name). Trey came up to (Name) and took Riddle to the nurses office. Ace, Deuce, and Grim ran up to (Name) and bombarded them with questions on how they did that. (Name) ignored them all and pushed them away while heading towards the nurses office.

(Name) opened the door and saw Riddle laying on the bed unconscious with Trey nowhere to be found. They walked over to Riddle and sat next to him. "I don't think I got the chance to tell you that I reciprocate your feelings." (Name) leaned over a pecked his cheek. They heard a chuckle from the doorway. They quickly turned back and saw Trey standing there with a smirk. "Don't worry. Your secrets safe with me." Trey winked.

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