December 1, 2022

14 0 0

24 more days until Christmas!

Okay so you know 'A'? The person I've been talking about for the longest time. Go back to the other chapters and you'll see who this 'A' person is.

So he's been leaving me alone for a while, which I love that. He's hasn't been bothering me nor saying anything weird. I was relieved and happy. Haha, I was wrong. He literally just said something weird to me today. So while I was waiting outside my classroom he walked next to me and just stood there. I swear I felt heat near my arm. It could be him standing pretty close to me (already pretty weird) but it could've also been him trying to hold my arm.

So my friends came over and his friends were talking and then I just hear them laughing and making so much noise. And then 'A' says, "I did not say that" So this intrigued my friends and I. I looked at him and his friends said, "he said he wanted to play with your toes."

This is my 13 reasons why

He said fucking what now? So anyways, 'A' explained that his two friends were going over to each others house and said that they (his two friends) would play with each others toes. That just made me super uncomfortable to write. My friends and I just looked at each other in disgust and we walked away.

So later on, in the middle of the class I was working on my school work and then I heard 'A' and his friends talking. I heard one of them asking "Is that your crush?" And 'A' replied with "yeah". So because I was busy working on my school stuff I didn't know who they were talking about. But my friend said that she also heard it and thought that they were talking about me.

So with all that information, what do I do? Please read the other chapters to find out more about this guy because I am not rewriting everything that this guy did.

Something unrelated to what I just wrote was that I failed my math test. Congratulations me, I'm a fucking idiot. I got a 53 on my test and now my parents are going to murder me once they find out.

Another thing that is completely unrelated to what I just said is that I passed out right before school started. So for Thanksgiving break my grandparents decided to come. I hated it the entire time they were here because my family would make me go places even though I was sick. But also we didn't get back from the activities until like 11pm and I don't have a bed time but I try to go to sleep at 10pm. I have insomnia so it's hard for me to sleep and if I listen to asmr then it'll help me. But we would always come back home at 11 and I would go to sleep at 2-3am and even on a school night. I was not having it.

That was all I wanted to write about today. Anyways have a nice day/night :)

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