November 30, 2023

16 1 3

So thanks to my lovely Pre-AP English teacher, I have an idea on how to get money. She said that the can go around my neighborhood and pass out flyers saying that I can do housework for money. I live near a bunch of elderly people and one my neighbors died recently (not to be insensitive because I literally went over to their house all the time as a kid) so I'm assuming they'd need some company. So I'm gonna make some flyers and give them to my neighbors and hopefully I can get money that way. Though I really don't wanna go up to strangers houses just to give them a piece of paper, asking if they needed me to do chores. It's scary...

And some of my teachers and classmates have recommended some jobs but I have to wait until next year because I just turned 14 a couple months ago and I need to be 15 to work at some places. I would love to get into the good and bad jobs that I know of but I won't ruin the businesses reputation or whatever, idk I'm lazy (there's only like 10 of you so idk what I'm on). Something that I'm still so confused on is that you need to be 17 to work in a flower shop?! Like it's flowers. Flowers ain't gonna hurt you. Yet you can work at Waffle House (which is known for the people fighting and arguing and stuff)?! Like, how.

Anyways that was basically it...I think? Have a nice day/night and take care of yourselves <3

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