I MIGHT break up with my boyfriend

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(Okay so I'm actually rethinking my decision but I still feel like I should break up with him)
Lol it's only been 5 days and I'm already breaking up with him?? Okay so let me explain why-

He keeps ignoring me. I know I've never been in a relationship before but I know you do not ignore them. Especially when they try to talk about the concerns in the relationship.

So you know how I got him to be my boyfriend- I think. Go read the other chapter to understand.

Literally right after he said yes he left me for a game. I honestly don't know what topics to talk about right after you get a significant other but I know you don't just leave them.

The rest of the week (Friday-Saturday) he's been ignoring me. Yesterday I tried telling him about my concerns about our relationship but he left me on read. So this is not going to work out.

You can't just ignore me right after becoming my boyfriend. It makes it worse because a month ago he would text me almost everyday asking how I  was. And I thought it was sweet. A little annoying at times, but sweet. But now all of a sudden he's ignoring me after we get together?

That may be a stupid reason to break up but when he keeps ignoring me when I try to express my concerns and won't even talk to me in person then I don't think I want to be in that relationship. Tell me why I feel like he just wanted to 'date' me to say that he finally got a girlfriend or that he now had a 'goth gf'.

Yes if you didn't know I'm goth. And I'm obsessed with the thought of having a goth boyfriend too. I actually do have a backup plan.

Remember the guy that 100% had a crush on me and that I was questioning on having a crush on? Yeah him. That's my crush. Im gonna break up with my boyfriend and ask that guy out.

What makes it better is what he said about it. I indirectly told him that I was going to confess to him. And he said that they'd most likely say yes even though he didn't know who it was. But I literally gave him a huge hint and said that my crush already know about my current boyfriend. And he again, said that they would most likely say yes to me.

I have a feeling that he kinda knows it's him but I'm not going to tell him that until Thursday or something. But I actually have a question.

How long should I wait to ask someone out? Especially right after breaking up with someone.

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