October 26, 2023

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Ok so FNAF movie comes out tomorrow and I'm hella excited but I have nobody to go with but I'm fine with going alone I guess. I'm not scared by horror movies at all and I actually really like FNAF (I also heard CoryxKenshin was in it).

On Friday...(last week Friday) aka October 20th...
My grandpa died.

Ok I know that's basically all I've written about but literally all sides of my family have health issues and are really old.

I also think I'm becoming more psychic like my mom because I literally predicted my grandma going to the hospital.

Basically after my grandpa died I had this feeling that someone I knew was gonna get really hurt and go to the hospital...and on Wednesday my grandma literally fell down the stairs and went to the hospital.

Ummm...I think I accidentally manifested for my grandma to fall down the stairs.

And I also had another vision during school like early in the morning and my vision came true near the end of the school day.

Like, I think I'm fr psychic. Ok tbh I'm not sure if I'm actually using psychic correctly but my mom said I was right so I'm right. Also sorry for all the weird acronyms/slang/lingo/idk in my writing today.


Ok so I'm doing really well in my Algebra class (100%) so my teacher nominated me to go to Pre-AP Geometry instead of on level Geometry next year!! I heard it's really hard but 1, I need high school credits. 2, I don't really care if it's hard or not, I just want a good education even if I won't use it in the future.

That was all, have a nice day/night!!

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