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There's been a lot that has happened and I don't have the time, patience, or memory to type all the things that have happened last month. But I will definitely tell you guys what has been happening lately.

On Saturday, my family and I went to the State Fair and I got to try Oreo cheesecake on a stick and it was delicious. Too bad I was stuck throwing up the next day. But, as soon as we left the fair, the last thing we visited was the food court right; there was a shooting as soon as we left, IN THE FOOD COURT.


Anyways, today was rainbow day at my school and of course I dressed in my "Kenough" hoodie (which is literally the pansexual colors) and my pansexual flag. My friend got this HUGE pride flag but gave it to me cuz people were staring and they were choked by somebody.

Apparently that was for a reason because in my 6th period a group of three guys literally threatened me. They were extremely homophobic to me, tried to push their own opinions onto me, told me to "die/burn in hell" because I was gay. And what tops it all off is that that threatened to cut off my pride flag (which isn't even mine btw) and CHOKE me with it.

I told the my teacher and finally got help at the very last minute before school ended. I'll show a pic of my outfit later since I really do wanna know,

Did I really need to get insulted and threatened by random people? Did I really need to be choked just because I'm gay and wearing a fucking rainbow flag when, might I remind you, IT IS FUCKING RAINBOW DAY.

Let me know your thoughts!

Again, I don't really remember EVERYTHING that happened last month but I will start to write from this day on like nothing happened. But if you guys want, I'll try to write some stuff that happened to me last month.

I don't mind but it might take a while or something. I hope you guys have been having a better day/week/month than me.

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