Finished Art! (1)

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I finally finished one of my digital arts!!!

I had one without shading and the other with but, I don't know how to shade things

Anyways I finished this so tell me what you think

Anyways I finished this so tell me what you think

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(The K is my name/initial on Instagram)

Also, I don't know if the picture is actually there because my phone is like glitching out.

I'm currently starting the 10,000 reader special for my other book, even though it's a little late, but I think I need ideas.

If you guys give me scenarios, I'll put them in a random wheel generator and see what I write about. Also, what are the characters you most want in those special chapters? It'll be easier for me to narrow the characters and the words if I know.

Anyways hope you are having a nice day/night!

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