I finally figured out...

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I finally figured out who I am.

So you know how before I said I didn't know my gender and h tonight I was nonbinary? So my friend told me what they thought I was and they said I was a demigirl. So basically a demigirl is when someone's gender is like, a mix of female and whatever they want it to be?? Sorry, I'm not that good at explaining things. But usually it's like, female and nonbinary, which I am. So I am a demigirl.

I'm so glad my friend said that or else I would still be questioning myself. So I am a demigirl, my pronouns are she/they, and my sexuality is pansexual. In all honesty, I'm fine with any pronouns but I just prefer she/they.

I'm still trying to decide if I should pretend to be nicer than I seem to be or not because apparently everyone sees me as the good girl that would never do anything wrong and when I do show the slightest negative emotion they just insult me and say that I'm not like this. I feel as if people just get so angry at me for even just showing the smallest emotion that they don't like. Like one time, I got so angry at myself for failing my test, I didn't realize that I was talking in a much more sarcastic tone than normal. But then my friend got super angry at me and started a fight with me for that stupid reason.

Another time, it was extremely early in the morning (1st period) and my family made me extremely angry, I forgot to charge my computer, I forgot to bring something very important with me, and my mom was getting and try at me for no reason. So of course I was angry that morning. Then my friend came up to me asking, and I quote, "What is wrong with you?" So I just responded with, "It's non of your business." Because it literally wasn't her business. And my other friends heard. (I forgot to write that day but they were angry for the same reason of me showing emotion and they started a fight because of it. And they literally blamed me for everything even though they were the ones that started it by not even letting me join in their conversation and completely ignoring me when I was. And they also cheated and stole answers from me and they got so angry at me if I didn't do it or if I got it wrong.) But they apparently heard what I said and they said, "Are you okay because you're being so rude lately." So I just quickly walked off to my next class because I was so fed up with those two telling me that was the rude one when they would whisper to each other while laughing and pointing at me.

Anyways, thanks for reading this. Have a nice day/night <3

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