An Shiraishi x Reader x Akito Shinonome

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3rd person POV
(I started writing this one day after Akito's birthday so happy belated birthday to Akito)

(Name) looked at the clock on the wall until it ticked 4:00 pm. They were bored and tired all day while waiting for class to be done. Once the clocked turned 4 the bell rang and all of the students came flooding out of every classroom. (Name) quickly packed their things and ran out the door, looking for An and Akito.

"(Name)! Over here!" An shouted from across the hallway. An raised her arms above her head and waved them around like a crazed manic trying to get (Name)'s attention. "You don't need to yell." Akito mumbled. (Name) pushed themself through the crowd of people getting in their way and stopped once they saw An's face a few inches away from theirs.

"How are you doing?" An asked excitedly as she linked her arms with (Name)'s. "Well my day wasn't that good actually. But it's better now that I can see you two!" (Name) said while looking at Akito and leaned their head onto An's shoulder. "You stupid ginger." An mumbled but Akito heard and grunted. "We have to go to the Weekend Garage right now but do you want to come with?" An asked. "And help you serve customers or just watch you in your cute uniform?" (Name) asked slyly. 'You're acting like I'm not here.' Akito thought sadly as he stopped walking.

"(Name)! Why are you such a flirt today?" An grinned at (Name).  "I don't mind but hearing you say those things about me really inspires me and gives me a greater passion for music." An looked up into the sky with a smile. "And I actually feel like I can surpass RAD WEEKEND." An looked back at (Name) with a closed eye smile.

"Don't forget about me (Name). You can always just come with me and forget about that nerd." Akito smirked. Both An and (Name) turned around and came face to face with Akito. "For the record, I don't even study! I have no idea how I'm even passing right now but I am!" An exclaimed.

Akito grabbed (Name)'s hand and started walking away despite An's arm still linked to theirs. "Akito, why are you trying to steal my friend?" An asked angrily. An crossed her arms over her chest and gritted her teeth as Akito spoke. "Calm down. We are going to the same place anyways." Akito said annoyed. "Don't you want to go with Toya?" "He's already busy." "Then go home and leave us alone!" "No thanks, I'm good."

An and Akito kept arguing while (Name) was trying to pull An away from the ginger. "Guys-" (Name) got cut off. "Akito, don't involve my dad!" An yelled. 'What?' (Name) thought. "Guys lets just calm down and go to the Weekend Garage toget-" (Name) got cut off again by An and Akito starting a fist fight.

(Name) watched as their friends fought each other to the death over something so stupid. "Guys enough!" (Name) shouted making the teens freeze. "I'm fed up with you guys fighting all the time. If you guys are a group then why don't you get along?" (Name) raised their voice.

"Sorry (Name) but it's all this stupid gingers fault!" An said and flicked Akito upside the head. "Says you." Akito grumbled under his breath. "I just want you guys to get along for one day." (Name) sighed and started heading towards the Weekend Garage. "Wait!" Both An and Akito yelled.

They both got up and jogged to (Name) An and Akito looked at each other and nodded. "How about we go together?" They said simultaneously. "What you just did was a little bit weird but I'd love to!" (Name) exclaimed and held out their hands for each of them to take. An took one of (Names)'s hands while Akito was confused and looked at An. An pointed at how hers and (Name)'s hands were locked with each other's and Akito copied. They all turned around and started walking towards the Weekend Garage, with arms still locked.


(I wrote this just because I felt like it. I still hope you enjoyed it and remember that you can always request stories on the request page. Have a nice day/night and goodbye)

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