May 15, 2023

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I'm having a mental breakdown right now. So tomorrow I have to go to the waterpark for a choir trip. I have to go since it's a grade but it's going to be so awkward since my ex is there!! Also, I have serious trauma with my bathing suit. Last time I wore my bathing suit I was sexualized and I really don't want that to happen again. I don't want anyone to look at me. It doesn't help that I'm insecure about my body. I literally hate how I look. I hate EVERYTHING about myself. Maybe I can just suck it up. It's just going to be so awkward since my ex is going to be there.

Anyways, ignore my breakdown, have a nice
day/night  <3

(Authors Note: I know this is extremely late to post but I'll post a bunch of these as soon as possible. Just to keep y'all somewhat updated in my life. Also it's currently Summer (yesterday was my last day of school) and I'm now officially a high schooler! I don't know how to end this so have a nice day.)

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