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It's my first day of school and I'm absolutely terrified. I don't have the mental stability to go to school for another 10 ducking months. I also don't want to do PE for second period like why did they give me the worst schedule of all time?? I'll update this after school ends and I'll tell y'all how my first day at HighSchool went. In the mean time, I need to find a way to calm down. Also, Im posting this at 2:30am so I need to go to bed soon. Anyways bye, have a nice day/night!

Update: So I almost cried like five times yesterday because I got lost so many times. I hate my fourth period and I kinda want to change it but I'll see how it is for the rest of the week. I hate public speaking and he made us do it and the teacher was just talking about himself. He also said that he would talk more about life lessons instead of actual history??
Like, you are not a life coach, shut up.

I like all my other classes though because I at least have two friends in them. But you guys know how I have two exes? Yeah, my fifth period has one of them, and my sixth has my other ex. In sixth, my ex also has his friend group with him and it's so annoying but at least I have a group of friends with me as well.

The second day wasn't that bad but I had to take the bus. The bus got here an hour after school ended. It's third degree weather outside and I was literally about to pass out. My health problems would've made me pass out and it didn't help that I needed to go to the bathroom. Oh, also the doors were locked so I couldn't get back in. But basically, my mom had a really bad migraine where she was throwing up and could barely open her eyes. My dad was on his flight back from his work conference so he wasn't there. And my sister was at work. So despite being in pain, my mom picked me up but was HELLA pissed. Like, words cannot describe how angry my mom and I were. And the staff that let me in literally said I could've just gonna to the nurses office BUT I LITERALLY COULDN'T BECAUSE THEY LOCKED THE FUCKING DOORS.

Can you see why I'm so angry? The bus literally comes an hours late, we were literally the last bus to show up. And including traffic, all the stops, etc; I would've been home at almost 6 o'clock. So yeah, we're pissed off at the school.

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