Bout Mine

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Prompt: Simone attending one of the GAU games.

Simone tipped the Uber driver and got out thanking them. She had dropped her things off at the Baker household because Liv insisted that she stayed there. According to her, Simone was the only person that she wanted to be around. She didn't think much of it so she didn't ask questions. Not many checked on Liv but Simone made sure did and often. It already sucked that they were so many miles away from each other.

The campus was huge so it was easy to get lost for a second. She had to stop and ask for directions. Ignoring the stare downs , she made the trek to the football field. Liv said the boys had practice and that means a popcorn visit since Jordan had no clue she was in town. She made it to the field seeing girls huddled around and decided to be nosy.

"I don't think they are all single." One girl said.

"Maybe not but the new quarterback is never seen with anyone." And he better not be.

"I tried to get his number." A blonde girl spoke up.

"And... what happened?" They all looked at her including Simone.

"I... haven't gotten it yet but don't worry. Today is the day." She nodded with a smile on her face.

"What do you plan to do?" Simone asked.

"Just ask again, I mean can he really deny me?"

"... mmm, you're not his type." Simone responded letting her down easy.

"Oh please. He just doesn't know it yet.. once I am done, I will be."

Spencer tapped Jordan on the shoulder pointing to the group of girls. Jordan looked up and was positive he was grinning hard at the girls but only one had him down bad. Simone snorted seeing the girls gasp and wave. She watched as the blonde attempt to make it to the field only to be stopped by the assistant coach.

"Well, that's embarrassing." She mumbled.

"Jordan, you better focus." Spencer looked at his QB.

"But... there goes my baby." Jordan waved, taking in the sight from the distance.

"You can talk to her later... Jordan, Jordan!"

Spencer sighed watching Jordan run over and hop the fence. The girls gawked as he walked past them going straight for his girl. He could hear them scoffing as he smirked.

"Ooou, somebody is popular."

"Not my problem." He spoke.

"Are you sure, they look ready to risk it all." She wiggled her brows seeing him slowly walk closer.

"I have a girl."

"Oh really, so why are you trying to step to me? I don't even know you." She stepped back.

"Damn, it's like that? We can't even be friends?"

"Two pretty people can't just be friends, Mr. Quarterback." She licked her lips.

"So are you saying we can be a secret?"

"A dirty one... maybe but I got a man."

"Mmm... but he has nothing on me."

"Boy, get back on the field and stop tryna flirt with me."

"On one condition." Jordan asked.

"Clearly, she isn't interested but I am!" The blonde got in between the pair.

"And I am not." Jordan walked past her.

"Aw, blonde girls aren't your type?." Simone commented.

"I got a type." He stood over her.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now