Strangers in the night

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Prompt: Layla clearing the air. This is just something quick I threw together. Okay bye!

Simone collected her tennis balls and stuffed them in her bag. She had been practicing all night and now she had time to kill to do what she wanted. Her phone went off the a text message from the last person she hoped to hear from. She figured that the best thing to do would be to block them, it was one a time thing with Lando. She was more focused on her sport than what ever other drama was trying to come her way.

She got a text from Nate that she had a visitor. She wasn't expecting baby shay until next week so she was hoping they came early. She walked back to her dorm in hope that it would be her baby boy. She pressed her key against the wall hearing the door unlocked.

"Where's my big bo - What are you doing here?"

Layla Keating was the last person on earth she needed to see. She was doing very well with not trying to figure out what her ex was doing and here his girlfriend was in her face. Why the hell was she in Atlanta?!

"Can we talk? Somewhere private?" Layla's voice was soft, a little bit too hopeful if you asked Simone.

"I don't care about whatever you guys got going on so you can leave." Simone sat her gym bag down.

"I didn't come here for permission."

"It looks like that's exactly what you came here for. What? You feel guilty or something? That's on you."

Simone pointed moving past her to remove her jewelry. She had been meaning to give back gifts that Jordan had given her but she didn't. Why should she? A gift was just that.

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Layla, you are sitting here in my face saying you didn't do anything. If you feel that way then you wouldn't have come here. Clearly, you know what you did was wrong. If you had feelings about him then you should've made that known a long time ago. I don't care that he fought Damon, I don't care that you are fucking him... I don't care."

Layla went silent.

"W-What do you mean he fought Damon?"

"Oh, he didn't tell you that part huh?"

"He fought Damon over you?" She looked like she was ready to cry. She wasn't happy and Simone almost felt bad, she didn't think he would keep this from her.

"Yes, girl. It's not over a damn game." Simone rolled her eyes.

"He never mentioned it."

"I guess you guys aren't as close as you think. I mean, when Jordan had his concussion... you were no where to be found. I get it, you had your own shit but even when Olivia was upset and lonely... you didn't show up for her either. Their feelings and their well being may not matter to you Layla but they matter to me."

"I care about Jordan."

Layla was falling for Jordan. She didn't think that was a bad thing. She didn't think it was a big deal. They didn't have a title on it, She just wanted to clear the air. She wanted them to be together and not be hiding. Now she didn't know what to think. It was starting to feel like a lie because Jordan hadn't been honest with her.

"Are you just trying to get me to stop seeing Jordan? Is that why you are lying?" Layla asked with annoyance hinted in her tone.

"Why would I lie about an ex boyfriend fighting over me? I'm sorry, my ex husband, you know for the almost wedding you were part of. Where you were trying to get me to marry him because you know how much he loves me. If you think that suddenly changed because we broke up then you are dumber than I thought." Simone had better things to do. Layla was wasting her time.

"You guys were broken up. We were both single."

"So it's not okay for Olivia and Spencer to kiss when you guys were broken up then if I remember correctly, you had sex with Spencer but it's okay for you to call my still boyfriend at the time in the middle of the night , while he's here with me and try to play in my face about pleading him to come to an event so now that we're broken up ... all that shit feels valid and okay with you?" Simone wasn't understanding the logic.

She understood they were broken up. She understood that Jordan had the right to move on. She wanted him to be happy. Simone didn't understand how Layla could get pissed at Olivia about the same thing she was ultimately doing to her. She didn't see how this was hurtful because Simone had considered Layla to be a friend not a stranger.

"You don't know how to be a friend, Layla. You heard feelings and missed the attention because everybody is paired off. You couldn't just wait? It's not feelings, it is lust. You didn't want shit to do with him but now you want to jump his bones but hide him at the same time? I thought you didn't care about what I think and how I do things?"

Layla's face fell. She took in her words trying to wrap her brains around it. She knew what she was doing but she still didn't see it as wrong. Her feelings just happened.

"It just happened, Simone, I can't help how I feel.." Layla tried.

" Yes, you can. I just wished you took the time to see how wrong it is to quickly go after him then not just try to hide it but hide it from Olivia who you literally live with. Jordan may have done plenty of dumb things but I know that when he's all in then he's all in. He was literally a walking STD and I changed that. He's not all in with you if he was sleeping with other girls to deny what happened and still fighting with a man that I am not even friends with anymore." Simone held the door open for Layla.

"And tell Jordan to stop calling me if he is serious about you, I wish you all the best to new beginnings."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now