Blurry Lines

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"You are not going to make me fail Baker."  Simone rolled her eyes.

"I can do the assignment, Hicks." Jordan followed after her.

Tutoring Jordan Baker was the worst idea her professor had. It was even worse when they were paired up for an assignment together. Group assignments were the bane of Simone's existence. She would much rather work alone and not depend on other's for how well she did on an assignment.

Jordan was the last person on her list she would consider herself to be partners with. He fit the joke stereotype to a tee and Simone just knew this was going to be hell working with him.

"What is your current grade in the class?" She tilted her head.

The silence was so loud that Simone was going to scream.

"Oh my god, you are going to make me fail. I do not fail, Baker. I have NEVER gotten lower than a C."

"C's are not bad. I have never failed either.... Maybe once but that was high school."

"How are you even still an athlete with your piss poor grades?" Simone scrunched up her nose.

"They are not piss poor, my grades may not be A's but that doesn't make me stupid." Jordan crossed his arms.

It was true what they said, his sister was the smart one. Jordan was the pretty one so he skated by his pretty boy looks year after year. He did well enough to keep his spot on the team and that's all he cared about.

"Yeah, this isn't going to work." Simone didn't have the time.

"You aren't even giving it a fair shot."

"This isn't high school Baker." Simone pressed her lips together.

"Stop calling me Baker. My name is Jordan."

"My name is Jordan." Simone mocked.

"You don't want to fail and neither do I, sweetheart." Jordan knew he put a little more effort into his sports than he grades but also nobody pushed him.

He never had anybody push him to be better. It also felt like he had no one. Most of the time, he felt invisible or second best to whomever he was by. It was like he didn't exist because nobody cared to listen. He was used to it. He was numb to it so he acted out majority of the time.

"Don't call me that." Simone huffed.

"Mmm, I kind of like it, if you insist on calling me Baker then I get to call you sweetheart."

"I am not your little girlfriend." Simone went through her bag pulling out her books.

"Yet." Jordan mumbled.

"Hell would freeze over before that will ever in this life time happen."

"Aw, it's okay to admit that you liked me since we were five. I won't tell anyone that you pushed me down the slide and tag teamed with my sister to give me this scar." He pointed to the scar on his cheek.

"That was not my fault." Simone spat.

"Yes, it was. It was a team effort."

"Are you trying to call me a bully Baker?" She flipped through her book.

"Looks like a sweetheart, acts like they can kill you then yeah... you're literally 5'3 trying to torment me."

"Grow some balls then." Simone smirked.

"You talk a lot of shit for somebody so tiny."

"Awwww, did I hurt your feelings Baker?"

"No, but I can break your back. Maybe you need to relax."

"Oh, you are taking a first class ticket to hell I see."

"Only if we sin, together." Jordan winked.

Simone rolled her eyes making Jordan smirk. Ever since they were children, they were like this. Constantly at each other's throats. They could never get along and Liv chalked it down to that they liked each other. She couldn't pin point any other reason other than they didn't want to cross lines so they constantly bullied each other. It wasn't anything terrible, mostly stereotypical jock talk and Simone making fun of his love interests because they were all bimbo blondes.

"Oh please, you probably can't even get me to cum."

"All I need is ten minutes and You'll be mine."

"Confidence is not sexy on you." Simone smacked her lips.

"You're right, it's down right dangerous and leaving you aching." He agreed.

"You fucking wish."

"I haven't even touched you and you're already failing, sweetheart. What happened to I don't fail?" He asked in a high pitched tone.

"I do not sound like that, asshole." She replied, unimpressed.

"I am so sorry princess. You're right.. your moans muffled into a pillow would sound much more pleasing."

"If you need to masturbate, Baker.. do it on your own time." Simone flipped a page.

"I am very comfortable with sex talk, it's not a bad thing and it doesn't mean I am horny."

"Uh huh." She nodded.

"Does it make you uncomfortable? Me... thinking of all the things I would do?" Jordan clicked his pen.

He might've been eye fucking her every time he looked at her just for an reaction. He couldn't help it. He buried any and all feelings but he wanted to cross the line. He wanted to feel her underneath him, walk to class holding hands and just be with the person he pinned for since his youth.

"You wouldn't have the opportunity so no."  She laughed dryly.

"Okay." He nodded.

Simone was glad when he dropped it. She squirmed in her seat going through the chapter and taking notes. She didn't have to look up to know that Jordan was burning a hole through her face. She purposely kicked him so he could stop trying to play footsie with her underneath the table.

"This isn't going to work if you don't actually do some work." She grumbled.

"Aw, I am enjoying the beautiful view in front of me."

"This beautiful view will choke you if you don't focus."

"Sounds kinky but I can get down with it." Jordan commented.

Simone looked up, giving him a death glare. Jordan chuckled, reaching under the table brushing his hand against her leg. Simone kept up her glare still seeing the same stupid smile on his face. He had been an annoyance for as long as she could remember and by default, her parents got along with his so she was always around. Mostly due to her parents constantly working and she was always by herself.

"Shut up and focus."

"Yes my pretty princess. Whatever you say." He grinned.

"I hate you, a lot."

"I know, it's adorable." Jordan winked.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now