read your mind.

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"This is absurd and you are being ridiculous." Simone rolled her eyes.

"What the fact that you are always around him or the fact you are always texting him? I think both is very stupid." Damon followed after her.

"He is my partner. He has been my partner for the past five years. We work together, we have to communicate and in the field that we are in, we see each other more."

There was 24 hours on their shift and 48 hours off. Simone saw more of Jordan than her own husband. She probably talked to Jordan more than Damon as well. They just worked well together and Jordan was easy to talk too. She didn't think she would have a man as a partner but when they were paired up, they just clicked having been former athletes that went the medical route.

"Do you like him?" Damon wasn't letting this go.

"Of course I like Jordan. I wouldn't be able to do my job if I didn't like the person that I count on to help me save lives quickly and efficiently."  Simone crossed her arms pulling the EMT T-Shirt over her head.

"Would you sleep with him?"

The question throws Simone off. Sure, she had drunkenly kissed Jordan at a bar and maybe they hung out a lot by themselves. It was always them in their own little world. It was comfortable and Simone loved spending time with Jordan. It was never a stressful time unless it was a heavy accident scene. They worked extremely hard so of course on the outside looking in she would have her doubts too.

"He is in a relationship with somebody else."  Simone answered.

"That didn't answer my question at all. Would you sleep with him?"

"No. Do you want me to sleep with him? Are you waiting for me to cheat or are you that insecure with yourself that you do not trust me?" Simone fired back.

"I am not insecure, Simone."

"I don't know, it sounds like you are. Jordan and I are friends. I am not a cheater and for you to question me on rather I would sleep with my partner. We put our careers first and hardly ever talk about our romantic relationships. His relationship is not my business and ours isn't his."

"So what do you guys talk about then? You are gone for hours!" His voice raises.

"I don't know who you think you are raising your voice at but nobody gets to talk to me like that not you or anybody else. This is my home first, you are the guest when I married you." Simone knew that stung by the way his face hardened.

"So that's all I am?"

"I had a long day, I do not have the energy to fight with you. I am not switching partners, I am not doing anything wrong. If you can't handle another man being my partner on the job then maybe you have some self reflecting to do." Simone unclipped her bra and slide off her underwear heading to the shower.

"We aren't done here, Simone."

"I don't care Damon."

The bathroom door slams in his face. She takes a long hot shower. She was in there longer than intended on purpose. Did she need to wash her hair for the second time today, maybe not but anything to stay longer in the shower.

By the time she gets out, she can feel the house was quiet. She changed and grabbed a few things heading out. She watches as the other car backs in making her almost break into a smile. The passenger opens and she can smell his cologne as he slides in the seat. He immediately pulls the seat back and stares at the roof of her car.

"What's wrong Baker?"

"I am fine. It's all good." He mumbled.

"I can tell when you are fine and it's all good."

"You are studying me now Hicks?"

"No. You were fine earlier and now you aren't so what's wrong?"  Simone glanced over at him.

He doesn't say anything.


"Let it go Hicks."

"Aw, you should know I never let anything go. Do I need to call backup?"

"What you can't get information out of me yourself that you have to bring Olivia into this?"

"I could but you won't like it."

"What's the game plan?"

"We go somewhere loud and get drunk or we go somewhere quiet and.. get drunk." Simone offered the two options.

"Fine. My place in 15 minutes. I'll stop for drinks and you order-"

"I'll cook." She stopped him.

"You'll cook?" He glances over at her.

"Yes. You know you love my food. Don't even try to lie right now Baker."

"Fine. Just don't try to burn the sauce this time."

"My feel better pasta hits the spot every time. It's super cheesy and spicy... you love it."

"I hate the fact that you named it." Jordan rolled his eyes.

"And yet you have at least three bowls." Simone tapped his nose.

"I hate you. 15 minutes Hicks."

"You are the one still sitting in my passenger seat Baker." She rose a brow, starting up her engine.

"You have comfortable seats." He lied reaching for the door handle.

"Mhm. Get out."

As promised,  She made a big pot of pasta along with garlic bread. Jordan sat across from her at his island downing his second glass of wine. He stood up taking the plates of food to his living room sitting them on his coffee table.

"Don't forget the wine. Bring the whole bottle." He glanced over his shoulder.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

The pair are seated on his living room floor sharing a blanket. One bottle of wine sat in between two wine glasses and a random episode of New Girl on mute in the background. Jordan blows out air deciding to eat a little first.

"Thea and I are over."

"As in taking a break?"

"Nope as in over. She told me that she would never want kids and I want kids. I wanted the whole thing with her and... she said she could never see herself as a parent and that it would be better if we just ended things." He explained.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"I should've known you know. She always put her career first and the little time we would spend just didn't feel like it used too. I actually started to think she was getting a little jealous." Jordan stabbed his fork.

"Jealous about what? She has everything going good for her. I can barely remember to give myself a break." Simone joked.

"Um, you. Well, Us and I guess how well we work together." Jordan shrugged with his mouth.

"Wait a minute, she didn't think we were doing something behind her back did she? I am married."

"I know and she knows but riddle me this, Hicks."

"Fine, Baker. What is it?" Simone sighed playfully stabbing her pasta..

"Are you happy with him?"

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now