Jealous - Part 2

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Coop made the executive decision to move out after Skye worked her ass off to find her a place. Skye had a point , she wasn't over Patience. The only way to move on was to move out. Olivia was glad for it. They hadn't been seeing eye to eye on anything and it wasn't like any of the girls paid rent.

This meant a free room opened up. Naturally, Liv offered it to Simone without a second thought or opinions. She knew that while Simone's relationship with her mother was getting better, she needed her independence. It would be just like before. Except more girls in the house. Simone had wanted to say no. She didn't want to feel like a burden and make things awkward. She wanted to move on but living with her mother wasn't an option.

As long as she avoided Layla then she would be fine.

Simone squirted the lavender body wash into her loofah. Moving was hell but luckily Spencer and Asher offered their help. She had a long day of preparing for starting classes and being forced outside to a party with Patience and Liv. She was lost in her own world when the door opened.

She was going to say that it was occupied.

"I've been looking all over for you. Look, I wanted to tell her myself. I don't know what we are or what we're doing but Simone was my wife. She's not some random girl to me. I should've been the one to break the news first regardless of what this is."

Simone nodded in agreement saying nothing.

"I want us to be on the same page and maybe I got pissed because I haven't entirely gotten over her. Which isn't good but it's the truth. I know Simone. You know, she has a good reason for everything but... I still have some hope that she'll still want to be friends. It's stupid but I still care about her." Jordan continued.

He noticed that Layla didn't say anything. He sighed giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. He learned a lot about patience. A trait he got from Simone to be honest. He didn't want to rush into a relationship but maybe one wasn't meant to happen right now. He never processed the breakup. He just moved forward like he wasn't affected.

He was very much affected and very much still hurt. He hadn't crossed paths with Simone but he noticed her at the party. He watched her dance with his sister then get asked to dance. Jordan watched her grind ass into this stranger and Jordan was close to losing it and itching to pull her away. He shouldn't still feel this way. So he came home before he did something he regretted.

"Can you say ..... something." Jordan drew the curtain back. His jaw dropped.

"Y-You aren't Layla." He stumbled over his words. His eyes taking in her naked , wet body.

"CLOSE THE CURTAIN." Simone covered herself.

"I've seen it all. Atlanta is treating you lovely."

"Close the curtain before Olivia finds you a bloody mess. And stop looking at me like that!" Simone hissed.

"Looking at you like what?"

"Like that!"

"How am I looking at you?" His head tilted.

"Would you stop exposing me and get out."

"You are my shower."

"First of all, it's not your shower anymore. You don't even live here. Secondly, get the hell out." Simone grumbled.

"Somebody is grumpy. It's not your shower either." Jordan returned.

"Baker, you have five seconds to get out before you are literally in a body bag."

"Need I remind you that you are 5'3?" Jordan looked down at her with a smug expression.

Simone rolled her eyes pushing him away and drawing the curtain back. Jordan stood there for a moment and walked backwards, locking the door. Simone peeked from behind the curtain cutting her eyes at him.

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