First Encounters - Part 2

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No matter how much she tried, she couldn't study in her dorm which resulted in late nights at the library. She made the walk from her dorm all the way to the library that usually stayed open late. She didn't need to pull an all nighter but Simone needed to do some studying for exams and other assignments. Group projects sucked so she always got a head start on the competitive audit assignment.

Putting her headphones on, she dug out her laptop and books first starting on the notes then all the research. She vibrated her lips as she spent an half an hour just working before taking a break. She got up getting something from the vending machine giving herself an fifteen minute break. She crossed things off her to do list. A visual reminder was important. Usually, she practiced late thus she studied late and this was no different.

She looked outside seeing the snow which only made her want hot chocolate. She searched through the packets of drink options and prepared it enjoying the almost too quietness of the library. There wasn't many people here which made it all the more enjoyable. She appreciated the chance to work with no interruptions.

Returning to her seat, she seen that the snow had picked up even more. It didn't snow often but when it did, it was like the world was turned upside down. She didn't think anything of it and went back to work.

Jordan walked into the library dusting off his feet. He waved to the librarian and went to find an area to study. He walked in further seeing Simone. He hadn't seen much of her since their proper introduction. He had been debating asking Liv for her number.

"Play it cool." He coached himself.

Approaching, he lightly tapped her seeing her jump. Simone snatched off her headphones seeing Jordan in front of her. She motioned for him to join her since it didn't hurt.

"Stalking me?" She teased.

"No. How've you been ?"

"Good. You?"

"Busy but can't complain." He commented taking out his own materials. He was so overwhelmed with assignments, he didn't know where to start.

Jordan might've been on her mind once or twice. She wasn't one to cross any lines given that he was Olivia's brother. It was hard to deny the attraction. There was something kind about his eyes and the soft spoken nature that pulled her in. She wasn't swearing off boys but she didn't want any rifts between herself and Liv. She counted her as one of her best friends.

"Surprised it had taken me this long to run into you."

"I like to be seen , not heard." She twirled her hot chocolate, blowing on it a little.

"You are hard to miss." Jordan complimented.

"Well thank you, I take it snow is your thing? Who is coming out in that?"

"My roommate is ... something and I need to focus." Jordan clicked his pen tapping it against his side of the table.

"Yeah, my roommate is yelling at reality shows and I do not have the patience." Simone shook her head.

"Guess we need to replace them." She added

"Sounds like a perfect plan. How did you meet my twin exactly?" Jordan didn't bother asking Liv.

"Wait, y'all are twins?!" Simone never put two and two together.

"Yeah. I thought that was obvious."

"Most siblings bicker so I didn't put two and two together. However, we had a Gen Ed and stuck to each other since. We mostly hang at the dance studio more like she forced me to work there."

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