bad idea, right?

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Spencer's  21st party was in full swing by the time Simone arrived. She hadn't expected to be back in California, but she wasn't one to turn down a moment of celdbrating Spencer. She knew that her ex would be here but it wasn't about him or them. She had placed the gift on the table and went in search for Liv. She eased her way through people watching as Liv cheered on her boyfriend.

He was clearly having the time of his life. Liv laughed and threw her hands in the air as he danced along to the music that DJ playing. He wasn't on beat at all but it got a laugh out of Olivia so Simone couldn't knock it. Salusons had changed so much, she never thought Layla would be out here taking it over. It was a major ick but rich people will do rich people shit no matter. Whatever makes them rich, they could careless about the feeling of others.


Simone snaps out of her groove and turns to Olivia welcoming the hug. Olivia wasn't surprised, yet still shocked to see Simone here of all places. She had extended the invitation just in case. No matter how many times Spencer told her he didn't want a party, she had planned it anyway. From the music to catering to Layla offering Layla's for the event. It felt fitting in a way to do it in a place that was home even if Layla had gentrified it.

"Hi. I missed you." Liv smiled brightly taking Simone's hands in hers.

"Hi. I miss-"

The loud commotion between a drunk Spencer pulls the girls out of their reunion. Spencer is yelling at Asher and had shoved him making him stable backwards.

"I've been waiting for this moment!" He yelled.

Jordan stood in between the two males holding out his arms to both to prevent any further escalation. What Simone didn't expect was Spencer grabbing a handful of cake and shoving it in Jordan's face. Her jaw dropped as Layla gasped covering her mouth.

"Jordan don't." Layla pleaded.

"What the fuck was that for?" Jordan narrowed his eyes stepping towards Spencer.

"You wanted a taste of my life so there you go big boy."

Jordan shoved Spencer and Liv sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. They had been arguing about the plays and games ever since Coach Mac arrived. Simone could hear Layla attempting, but failing to redirect Jordan or hell even calm him down. She knew Spencer was drunk , that much was obvious. She just didn't expect him to be this kind of drunk trying to start fights. Asher had left and Simone watched the two shots at each other. Sometimes missing their hits and god was it embarrassing.

"Jordan, please let's just go." Layla rubbed her temples, her voice barely going about the softness.

Simone couldn't hide her annoyance if she tried, she maneuvered through the crowd as people held their phones to capture the two heisman hopefuls going at each other's throats. Now could Simone really stop a 6 foot 2 man? Probably not but she was going to least do more than Layla was. Liv followed her lead ushering Spencer to follow her and calm down.

Taking a deep breath she grabbed Jordan's elbow and he swung around with anger.

"I am fine Layla!"

His expression softened going more into shock seeing his ex wife. Why did his stomach do fucking somersaults right now? His world tilted on its axis in just under a minute. His breathing heavy as he thought about what just happened. All he was trying to do was stop Spencer from rightfully beating Asher's ass.

It wasn't going to solve anything but they were all blindsided by his decision to call on Wade to help Coastal and be their QB after all the shit they went through and all the shit Wade put his sister through. He wasn't sure who to direct his anger at this moment but being here wasn't an option anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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