Meet me at midnight

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"Hello?" A sleepy female voice answered on the other end.

It was close to 3am his time which meant that it was 5am her time. He couldn't sleep. No matter how much white noise he played, he couldn't sleep. He had been having nightmares ever since JJ passed. He thought that he was over it. He was never going to get over it. One of his best friends was no longer walking the earth. Jordan didn't see the signs and that ate at him. He could barely look at the room that JJ once occupied.

"Jordan?" Simone called out.

All she heard for the past five minutes was his breathing. She had been sleeping on and off. Part of her wanted to stay in California and the other part of her wanted Jordan to just get on a plane with her.

"I'm here." He spoke in above a whisper.

"Are you okay?" She asked, wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Far from it." He admitted.

Even broken up , Simone was his person. The one that he didn't find himself lashing out at. The one who just.. got him. He remembered how awful he was to everyone. How quickly he distanced himself, how tempting it was to drink his problems away. Drinking wasn't going to help. It was just going make the problems worse.

"We can talk about it?"

"I just... I just needed to hear your voice." Jordan said lowly. He missed her. He missed her voice. He missed the familiar scent and her laugh.

"We can talk about something else?"

"Sure, yeah... how is everything over there?"

Jordan needed a distraction. One that wasn't physical. He had distanced himself from Layla completely. He knew that he was just leading her into a relationship that he wasn't fully committed too. She deserved better than that and so did he. No matter how hard he tried to move on, Simone still tugged at his heart strings.

"It's.. okay. My coach is still trying to get me to bond with the girls. The girls still have this vendetta against me. I can't really win but I am done playing nice."

"That's my girl." He whispered.

"I just feel like no matter what I do, it's not helping so being mean is clearly the only way."

"Give them the same energy. They don't deserve your kindness." Jordan knew just how big her heart was. Everybody thought he was foolish for falling in love with her but respect mattered to her. He still loved that about her.

"Thanks, J. Sometimes I think about quitting."

"You've come to far to quit. Don't give them that satisfaction."

"I know I know... I just feel like my hands are tied. It makes things difficult here. I actually want to make friends." Simone sighed.

"I didn't mean to spill all my problems on you." She added.

"It's okay, I like the sound of your voice. It... calms me."

"If I am boring , just say that!" She didn't need to be seen for him to know that she was grinning and rolling her pretty brown eyes.

"No, never.  I am serious. I haven't been sleeping too much and everything here just feels... off. Sometimes I just think of dropping everything and moving."

"Jordan, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I just.. I don't know. I just want a fresh start." He vibrated his lips together.

"Is that crazy?"

"No. Maybe a fresh start in a new place will be good for you." Simone sometimes wondered what life would be like if they both moved to Atlanta together and stayed together. It seemed like a far fetch dream.

"What if I did?"

"What? move? Do you really want to leave your family and - "

"I know it's impulsive, Simone. I just... I can't live in a house with so many bad memories. First it was the break up then Spencer and Liv for a minute now... JJ is gone.  I just need something new."

"So, do something new."


Just something quick, might flesh this out into something longer. thou shall see but enjoy!! Thanks for over 1k reads on this part 2 of one shots book so far. 💗

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now