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"I am so happy that you are home!!!!" Liv stood at the stove scrambling eggs.

"Me too. I never thought you'd leave Atlanta." Patience gave Simone a side squeeze.

"I just... I missed a lot with Shay and things at Bringston just didn't seem to be better with the team so I ultimately decided that coming home was the best option. My aunt hated it but she understood." Simone never expected to be back.

Being back home meant breaking up with Lando. They were only a few months in but Simone and long distance didn't work out. She didn't want to string Lando along. She wanted him to find love even if it wasn't with her. Surprisingly, she was okay when they broke up. There was no attachment like it was with Jordan. Simone was happy to be able to take Shay to day care every so often and baby sit. She was nervous about her first day at GAU but she was basking in the summer.

As soon as Liv found out she was back home for good, Simone was informed that she had a place to crash if necessary. She didn't tell anybody else. She avoided Jordan and Layla like the plague. Blocking them was the best thing she could do for herself. She wanted them to be happy without her having to see it. Simone had offered to help make breakfast but Patience insisted that they got it.

"Thank you for the scones by the way." Liv opened the plastic container biting into one.

"Yeah well I know you twins like them so...." Simone shrugged.

Liv and Patience finally finished making enough breakfast for the four of them which included Layla for later. They were deep in conversation when the front door unlocked. Simone smelled him before she could see him and kept proccoupied with her food.

Jordan heard laughing and immediately one stood out. He almost froze as he entered the childhood kitchen greeting the girls. He locked eyes with Simone briefly before walking backwards and running up the staircase. He didn't expect her here. His skin had goosebumps and all they did was look at each other.

Pausing at Layla's door, he pulled himself together and opened it seeing her still tangled in her sheets. Jordan quietly closed the door , slipped off his shoes and climbed in her bed. He watched her for a moment in complete silence. Layla stretched out her hand knowing a body was next to her. Jordan purposely moved out the way, chuckling to himself.

"Hi." Layla rolled over coming face to face with Jordan.

"Good Morning... um, did you know that Simone is in your kitchen?" Jordan didn't mean to spring it on her but he couldn't help it.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I didn't know she was in town, did you?"

"No, we haven't been speaking sooo.." Layla understood why.

"I thought you guys were fine?" Jordan asked

"Nope. She made it very clear that she no longer wants to be friends but she wants us to be happy."

"Wait a minute, when did this happen?"

"A couple weeks ago. I went to Atlanta to audition some artists and the choreographer I went with is a Bringston alumni so I... wanted to clear the air." Layla hated that it didn't turn out the way she hoped.

She never wanted Jordan to be the thing that came between the two of them. She never wanted any guy to be in the middle of her relationships with her female friends.

"I'm sorry, you went to her campus to clear the air... and just now decided to tell me?" Jordan's brows knitted together.

"It's not a big deal, Jordan. I got over it then so should you. She doesn't want to be friends and that's fine."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now