First Encounters

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Requested: Jordan meeting Simone for the first time.

Simone wasn't used to the snow. She was used to the warm weather of California and palm trees. This snow she was encountering was not something she was used too and driving in it was a whole other thing. How did ATL residents do this? She knew she was probably just overwhelming herself.

She felt like she couldn't see and hearing the weather service interrupt talking about a possible snow storm made matters worse. She knew she should've just went home by plane. It would've been much easier than driving all this way by herself. She had promised her parents that she'd be fine and she was. She had made it until she didn't.

Her eyes widened feeling the tires slide and spin out of control. She gripped the stirring wheel unsure of what to do but pray that it stopped spinning. She screamed when she hit something and finally came to a stop. She leaned back to catch her heart beat. Simone exhaled hyping herself up. She could do this. She can get back on campus.

"Okay... just see if it works. It should work right? That...that wasn't bad." Simone coached herself.

She turned the key attempting to start the ignition. It wasn't doing anything and she tried again only to get nothing. Simone groaned getting out. Being stuck with a dead car in the middle of winter was not on her bingo card. She got back in locking her doors and crawled to the back seat wrapping herself in blankets. Her phone had barely any battery life and her portable battery wasn't going to save her.

Jordan was on his way back to campus blasting his music when he saw a car on the side of the road. He didn't know why he felt compelled to stop but he did , pulling over putting on his blinkers. He got out checking the windows for signs of life. Seeing a girl in the backseat, he banged on the window.

"Hey! Hey! Are you good?"  He yelled.

Simone jumped up hearing yelling and looked out her window. She didn't remember falling asleep but what else was there to do? She only locked the front doors so she was able to open the back by picking the lock up.

"Uh, it's stuck and I think the battery died." Simone wasn't a pro at cars.

"No problem. I can jump it for you. Get in my truck." He offered, motioning to his suv.

"Excuse me?" She blinked. The idea sounded absurd.

"To keep you warm. Get in my truck." He repeated.

"Do you even know what you are doing?"

"This isn't my first time jumping a car. I got this." Jordan opened the door further.

"How do I know you aren't a mass murderer?"

"You don't but I don't like blood soooo." Jordan went to his trunk to get the jumper cables and pulled his car up closer.

Simone debated the possibilities and ultimately being in a warm vehicle sounded more pleasing than freezing to death. She collected her things and got in the passenger seat of his vehicle cranking up the heat even more.

"All settled in?"

"Long as you don't kill me, I'll be fine." She showed off her taser in her hand purposely pressing it as a scare tactic.

"You have on mittens. I can't take you seriously." Jordan  snorted closing his passenger door.

Her mittens were cute and she liked to be as warm as possible. Scarf , heat, a coat that actually covered her behind because she refused to freeze. Simone sighed making use of the phone charger to give her phone some life. She begged for it to charge fast just in case.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now